絲竹國樂社 田文仲肯定師資

教育 時間:06/28/2010 瀏覽: 1624
最近在「絲竹國樂社」的招生廣告上,看到知名主持人田文仲的照片,難道他是該社的代言人?原來田文仲的小女兒Tiffany,已經跟隨絲竹國樂社老師何彬 學了多年的中國國樂器,包括笛子、簫、葫蘆絲等。Tiffany多年來經過何老師的教導和薰陶,逐漸對中國民俗國樂產生了很大的興趣。

身 為家長的的田文仲說,想著過去這麼多年來花了不少的時間與精力,接送小女兒學習中國樂器,其中辛苦,自是不在話下,如今看到Tiffany慢慢成長,同時 在學習中國國樂器的領域上,有著長足的進步,心中非常欣慰。

「絲竹國樂社」各類國樂班正招生中,首次免費試學。地 址在355 S. Lemon Ave. Suit L, Walnut, CA,電話909-581-9377,網址www.stringandbamboomusic.com。

Chung Wen Tien highly recommended String and Bamboo Music

Recently, you will see the photos of well-known host Chung Wen Tien posted on the enrollment AD of String and Bamboo Music. His little daughter Tiffany has studied Chinese Classical Music including many Chinese musical instruments from Coach He Bin in the String and Bamboo Music Club for many years. Due to the inspiration of Coach He, Tiffany gradually falls in love with the Chinese folk music.

As a parent, Chung Wen Tien said he spent a lot of time to pick-up and deliver his daughter to the music class daily in order to learn Chinese instruments. However, as soon as he realized Tiffany’s growth and progresses in learning Chinese traditional instruments of this field, he felt very happy and it worth paying every minute.

String and Bamboo Music enrolls now and we also provide first-time learners with free trial.

Address 355 S. Lemon Ave. Suit L, Walnut, CA, phone 909-581-9377, website www.stringandbamboomusic.com


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