仁愛醫療美容中心 免費微整形講座
瀏覽: 1774
21世紀醫學美容的新寵「微整形」技術是什麼?仁愛醫療美容中心將於17日及24日(星期六)下午1時,舉 行醫學美容講座,現場將演示熱門的各式除皺填充注射法,中醫針灸疼痛治療美容減肥及養生。講座現場將提供精美茶點及抽獎免費注射玻尿 酸除皺除法令紋,還有免費的一對一中醫看診和針灸治療,凡參加者都可享受。預約專線626-289-9149。
該中心指出,微整形的優勢是不動刀,無論是使用注射或是醫學光療等相關儀器實施治療,都不會讓患者有刀光血影的恐懼, 也不必擔心留下傷口等問題。此外微整形治療後並不會影響日常生活,可以逛街、購物、上班、上課。回家後,只要聽從醫師的指示加強保 濕、修復、防曬工作。
講座地點55 S. Raymont Ave, #302. Alhambra, CA,相關訊息可電仁愛醫療美容中心626-289-9149。
Free Beauty Seminar provided by ALHAMBRA MEDICAL & COSMETIC CENTER
What is the medical cosmetic "micro-plastic" technology of the 21st century? ALHAMBRA MEDICAL & COSMETIC CENTER will hold medical beauty seminar at 1pm on July, 17 and 24 (Saturday). It will also provide on-site demonstration of all kinds of popular wrinkle filling injection, acupuncture treatment of pain and weight-loss method. It will also provide refreshments and lucky draw for free beautifully wrinkle filling injection, with free Chinese acupuncture treatment. For reservation, call 626-289-9149.
The Center pointed out that the advantage of micro-plastic surgery is that the treatment method is by injection or light therapy other than serious surgery. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the fear and wounds. In addition, micro-plastic surgery treatment does not affect people’s daily life. You can still go shopping or work without worrying about your wounds. After returning home, you just need to follow the doctor’s instructions to pay attention to skin renewal and UV protection and so on.
Seminar Location: 55 S. Raymont Ave, # 302. Alhambra, CA. For more information, please call 626-289-9149.