
生活 時間:08/25/2014 瀏覽: 391




1) 選舉活動每月舉辦1次,以得票數最高選出三名獲獎人,男女均可參加,需滿18歲。

2) 每月總獎金額為$1000,第一名獲$600,第二名獲$300,第三名獲$100,無過期日,可購買任何療程和產品,可與其他優惠同時使用,可轉讓,獎金未使用完不予退還,不兌換現金。

3) 參選人須提供近期頭部照片一張,需五官清晰,正式或休閒都可,不接受上半身或全身照。將照片和駕照正規姓名,電話,郵箱等個人聯絡信息發送到55amcc@gmail.com或WeChat (ID:amccbeauty) 即可。

4) 參選人同意將照片張貼在本中心網站進行參選比賽。


1) 投票對外公開舉行,每個IP地址只可投票一次,接受參選人親友投票,接受海外投票。

2) 每月最後一日為獲獎結果公布日。



Send us a picture of your beautiful face to be entered into Alhambra Medical and Cosmetic Center’s Beauty Contest. Anyone 18 and older is welcomed to participate, men and women alike. We will hold the completion each month, letting our winners know the results on the last working day of the month.

The grand prize winner will receive 600 dollars worth of store credit to spend on any service we offer, and can be combined with other special offers or promotions. There is no expiration date on the prize money, and can be shared among friends and family. First runner up will receive 300 dollars and second runner up will get 100 dollars.

The public will vote for you, each IP address is only allowed one vote, so get your friends, families, and international contacts to cast in their ballot. We encourage our contestants to reapply each month in the event that they did not succeed in winning. The whole value of the prize must be used, and can be used over time. The prize cannot be redeemed for cash.

Any photo is acceptable to enter the contest, whether it is a passport id or selfie. It must be clear, well lit photo, preferably shoulders and above. Participants must agree to allow us to use their photo on our website. Winners are not allowed to compete again.

Participants must acknowledge Alhambra Medical & Cosmetic Center has the final discretion regarding the rules or winners of the beauty contest.

If interested in competing in Alhambra Medical and Cosmetic Center’s Beauty Contest, please email us your photo with the name found on your ID, phone number, and email address to the company email at55amcc@gmail.com. You can also apply through wechat (ID: amccbeauty)



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