啄木鳥木業 增設聖地牙哥服務

建築 時間:07/08/2010 瀏覽: 2274
專精木板製窗簾的木窗簾(JS Windows Plus, Inc.,原名啄木鳥木業)由華裔經營多年,業務蒸蒸日上,現正擴大華裔市場,增設聖地牙哥地區服務,當地服務專線619-726-7043。木窗簾現有 道地美國Basswood木板製窗簾,特價每平方呎18元95分;並有中國進口美國組裝實木板製窗簾,特價每平方呎11元95分,安裝費350元起,如果 400呎以上免費安裝。

「木窗簾」華裔負責人Jason表示,木板製窗簾保溫防曬效果較好,加上經久耐用、美觀高雅,受到華裔屋主喜 愛。量體裁衣,按客戶要求手工製作,直到客戶滿意,這是該公司的一大特色。南加州陽光明媚,普通布窗簾雖然亦高雅,但年長日久會曬變顏色。木板製窗簾經久 耐用、美觀高雅,主流社會接受度高,而且保溫防曬效果較好,現亦被華裔屋主採用。

木窗簾除了木板製窗簾特價中之外,還提供 Poly、Wood Blind、Vertical Blind和Shades優惠服務。該公司聯繫電話626-855-3098、619-726-7043或909-598-0894。


JS Windows Plus, Inc added services in San Diego

Specializing in providing wooden curtain, JS Windows Plus, Inc. is operated by ethnic Chinese for many years, which is now expanding its market with additional services in San Diego. The local service hotline is 619-726-7043. American Basswood wooden curtain: special price $18.95 per square feet; U.S assembled and Chinese imported wood panel curtain: special price $11.95 per square feet; the installation fee: $350. We provide free installation for any purchases larger than 400 feet.

Jason, the Chinese President of "JS Windows Plus, Inc." said wooden curtain is durable, beautiful and elegant which is also anti-UV and loved by the ethnic Chinese owners. We provide hand-made curtains according to customer requirements. Customer satisfaction is a major objective of the company. Wooden curtains are qualified with the features of durable, beautiful, elegant with better thermal protection from the sun.

In addition to wooden curtains, JS Windows Plus also provides services in Poly, Wood Blind, Vertical Blind and Shades. Phone: 626-855-3098, 619-726-7043 or 909-598-0894.


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