加州地產─柏瑞雅 為您解答免費房產市場需求諮詢

地產 時間:08/11/2011 瀏覽: 1469
Free Q&A for Your Real Estate Needs  Call Rhea Bai Today

Having Trouble Paying Your Monthly Mortgage Payment?
SHORT SALE可能是你的最佳選擇
A SHORT SALE may be an option for you

If you are experiencing all of the following:
• 失業, 離婚, 昂貴的醫療
A hardship, such as a job loss, divorce or medical emergency
• 房屋欠債額超過您房屋的目前市值
Owe more than your house is worth
• 無法負擔您現在的房屋貸款
Unable to afford your current home loan
• 無法重組或調整您現在的房屋貸款情況
Unable to modify your current home loan

Options for distressed homeowners
• 重新借貸
• 賠售
Short Sale
• 重組或調整目前的房屋貸款計畫
Lender workout
• 銀行收屋及拍賣,等
Deed in lien of foreclosure, etc

 自2009年末以來, 50%的房屋轉售涉及到SHORT SALE及Foreclosure
By the end of 2009, 50%of the resale transactions closed involved with short sale and foreclosures.

What is a SHORT SALE?
A: SHORT SALE賠售是指seller和lender 達成協議,seller按市值折價出售房屋,賣房以還清債 務。如果房屋擁有者無法在規定時間內賣出房屋,Lender(通常情況下為銀行)將會開始法拍程式,進行收屋並拍賣。在此情況下,seller為了脫離債務,將被迫宣佈破產。然而,有時即使宣佈破產,也未必可以脫債。
A Short Sale means the seller’s lender is accepting a discounted payoff to release an existing mortgage. If the owner failed to sell the property within a certain period of time, the property will go into Foreclosure.

Avoid Foreclosure and Protect Your Credit。Discover Your Options!

Q: 在SHORT SALE這段時間裡,我該注意什麼?
What should I expect during a short sale?
A: SHORT SALE是個很好的選擇,但一些信用上的負面影響仍舊是不可避免的。雖然如此,SHORT SALE比銀行法拍仍有利很多。根據Faddi Mac的政策,現今,如果進行SHORT SALE,憑信用您可能在2到3年後依舊可以重新貸款買房。然而,如果您選擇了銀行法拍,那麼您的信用將在7到10年後才可能恢復。
There are still some negative impacts on your credit even with the short sale option. However, the negative impact may be less than you would have with a foreclosure. Under current Fannie Mae regulations, a short sale may enable you to qualify to buy a house again sooner, in as little as 2 to 3 years, than if you had gone through a foreclosure, which would be 7 to 10 years before you would be eligible again.

Q: 為什麼SHORT SALE可能會失敗?
Why Short Sale Fail?
A: SHORT SALE的失敗可能會有很多原因造成。 其中包括:
There are many reasons why short sales fail, including, but not limited the following:
Incomplete short-sale package
No reasonable chance of closing
Agent關於short sale方面 經驗不足
Inexperienced listing agent
Release of deficiency
No hardship
Junior liens
第一順位lender要求的條件高出買家出價, 等。
Lender, etc.

Time is Essential!!!

Q: 我該如何開始SHORT SALE?
How do I get started with a short sale?
A: 儘快聯繫您附近的SHORT SALE專家來説明您。因為時間有限,越及時的決定會帶給您越大的先機!
Contact your short sale and neighborhood specialist to help you. Because the sooner you make a decision, the better position you will get.
如果你面臨還貸問題並且有意short sale,趕快給柏瑞雅打電話吧!她會説明您準備好short-sale package lists,和您一起馬上開始SHORT SALE !!!
Call Rhea Bai today and she will give you the short sale package list to help you start your short-sale right now!!!


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