Southlands基督教學校 全方位教學進入頂尖大學

教育 時間:06/13/2012 瀏覽: 2683

• 榮獲各項學術成績優越表現獎項的幼稚園、小學、初中和頂尖高中
• 小班制教學
• ACSI和WASC的雙重合格認證
• 著重申請頂尖大學入學預備與全方位教學
• 斯坦福10排名測試結果,本校的小學和中學並高中之學生的語言成績和數學成績高於全加州與全美國標準的百分之五十
• 橙縣五項全能學術競賽第一名
• 榮獲多項獎項的藝術與音樂課程
• 提供高中生大學先修AP課程
• 多項AP認證獎勵,榮譽課程與特殊傑出獎項
• 閱讀、數學和寫作之SAT分數領先加州和全國排名
• 由專業升學顧問個別輔導申請一流頂尖大學
• SCS的學生之應屆畢業生順利進入世界各地與美國境內最競爭與最優秀的知名學府。

即日起受理報名! 詳情請參訪本校網站www.southlandscs.com或來電909-598-9733預約參觀本校

Southlands Christian Schools
One of Southern California’s most respected private schools since 1979

• Award winning Preschool, Elementary, Middle School and High School
• Low student-to-faculty ratios
• Accredited by ACSI and WASC
• College preparatory and co-educational
• Test results of the Stanford 10 rank our Elementary and Middle School students 50% higher than State and National Standards in language and math
• First Place in the Orange County Academic Pentathlon
• Award winning Fine Arts Program
• Extensive Advanced Placement (AP) program for high school students
• Multiple AP Scholars with either Honors or Distinction
• SAT scores above both state and national seniors in reading, math and writing
• Individual college counseling for all high school students
• SCS students are admitted to the finest and most competitive colleges in the United States and abroad.

Now enrolling students! Visit our website at or call for a tour at 909-598-9733.


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