華人健保網站第一品牌 AnyHealthInsurance.com 醫療保險省錢大作戰

理財 時間:02/05/2010 瀏覽: 1942

您可知道Anthem Blue Cross的健保計劃即將在3月1日全面漲價? 一名40嵗左右的男子,您的保費每月約漲 22%。




如果您有任何關於健康保險的相關問題, 歡迎隨時與我們聯絡,我們很樂意協助您。

AnyHealth Insurance Services, Inc
CA Insurance License # 0F84408

Health Insurance Rates Going Up Again!!!

Did you know that Anthem Blue Cross is having rate increase on March 1, 2010? An increase of about 22% per month for Individual and Family plans! (Based on rates for male, 40 years of age)

Find affordable health plan at www.AnyHealthInsurance.com Hurry! Apply on-line before the rate increase! (Effective date must be before March 1, 2010)

www.AnyHealthInsurance.com allows you to compare rates among 5 top insurance carriers in California. With the side by side plan benefits comparison feature, we are confident that we can find an affordable health insurance plan for you.

Our dedicated customer service team is here to answer your questions. If you need help selecting a plan, please give us a call: 1-888-912-1288.

AnyHealth Insurance Services, Inc
CA Insurance License # 0F84408


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