施雅婷模特學苑 - 快樂暑期班來了!小淑女遇上小紳士!

教育 時間:05/15/2015 瀏覽: 4267




Summer is almost here! Register for our Modeling & Acting Class!

A well-rounded personal development course designed to help young kids and teens with self-confidence and prepare them for entry into the fashion world. Topics includes posture and photo pose, basic etiquette and communication skills, hair and skin care techniques, commercial acting, and runway techniques. Class concludes with a fun graduation fashion show!

Ages: 8 and up
Length: 6 weeks
Dates: Saturdays
Schedule: 2 different sessions for your convenience!

Session A: May 30th – July 11th (6 weeks)
Class A: 11:00-12:30pm [ages 8-13]
Class B: 1:00pm- 2:30pm [ages 14+]

Session B: July 11th – August 15th (6 weeks)
Class A: 11:00-12:30pm [ages 8-13]
Class B: 1:00pm- 2:30pm [ages 14+]

*Each Session teaches the same courses*

Regular Tuition: $275.00 per student
Bring a friend discount: $250.00 per student

Download Application Form >> Application Form

VIP Classes also available. If interested, please contact Miss Tina directly, at (626) 380-5456



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