
生活 時間:03/08/2011 瀏覽: 1901


這年的全國營養月主題為吃得出「色」。在預 備食物的同時,不妨在食物中增添色彩,以下的建議能幫助你輕鬆地將七彩顏色的食物加入膳食中:

* 將多種顏色的蔬菜加入湯或沙拉中,並與肉類 和五穀類同吃,能增加飽肚感。

* 多選擇五穀米或全麥麵。

* 可於麥片粥中加入紫蕃薯,甜薯或玉米。

* 可利用甜薯泥代替馬鈴薯泥。

* 於乳酪中加入不同顏色的水果。

* 綠色和橘色類蔬菜可輪流加入日常的膳食中。

* 烤雞肉可蘸辛香蕃茄醬(salsa)

健康的飲食不單要計算熱量,當中包括多樣式 的食物。不同顏色的食物可提供給人體不同的營養素和植化素,這些營養都能幫助身體維持健康,也減低患癌症的風險。

下期營養預告:我們將會談論不同顏色的食物 所帶給人體的好處。

Let's all Eat Right with Color!

March Is National Nutrition Month.

This year the theme is "Eat Right with Color". Try to power up your plate with a rainbow color of foods:

* Add a soup or salad with colorful vegetables to your meat and rice/pasta dish.

* Try mixed grain rice or whole wheat pasta.

* Try adding purple yam, sweet potato or corn to the porridge.

* Try mashed sweet potato instead of white.

* Add fruits in your yogurt.

* Alternate green and orange vegetables in your daily meals.

* Top your grilled chicken with salsa.

Healthy Eating includes more than counting calories, include a variety of different colored foods provide us with different nutrients and phytochemicals which helps with maximizing our body functions and reduce cancer risks.



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