《吳希素營養師專欄》吃得出「色」- 茄紅素
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吃得出「色」- 茄紅素
不只綠色蔬菜對人體有益,不同 顏色的蔬果能供給人體不同的營養。紅色蔬果不但令食物的賣相變得更吸引,當中還富含對人體健康有益的茄紅素。
* 研究顯示每星期吃10份以上蕃 茄的男士,前列腺癌發病風險比一般人低34%;而每星期吃2份蕃茄的人,發病風險比每月吃少於1份蕃茄的人低23%。因此,茄 紅素能減低患上前列腺癌的風險。男士只要每周至少吃2次煮熟蕃茄,便能有效預防前列腺癌。
* 茄紅素有抗氧化的能力,能增強 免疫力和抗老化,更能消除造成人體疾病和老化的自由基。
* 由於茄紅素存於細胞內,所以經 過切碎、磨爛、烹煮後,人體更容易吸收其中的營養成分。
* 茄紅素存於紅橙色的蔬果中,如 蕃茄、木瓜、西瓜、草莓及紅肉西柚等。
* 市售的蕃茄製品也含有大量鈉 質,高血壓人士宜選擇低鈉配方或自行烹調。
Green vegetables are good for our health, and so do the other colors of the fruits and vegetables. Different colors supply different phyto-nutrients for human body. The color RED makes your meals more attractive, and it also provides you with Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant which helps to enhance our immunity system, and eliminate the free radicals that cause aging.
Lycopene also helps to prevent cancer. Harvard University’s research shows that when men eat at least 10 servings of tomatoes a week, the risk of getting prostate cancer will be lower by 34%; men who eat 2 servings of tomatoes each week, the risk will lower by 23% than men who just have 1 serving of tomato per month. Thus, it is concluded that lycopene may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The recommendation is to have tomatoes twice a week to prevent prostate cancer.
Since lycopene is stored in the cell of the plants, it can be released by shredding, masticate, or cooking the plant. That means you need to cook the tomatoes to get the lycopene. You can also find lycopene in red-orange fruits and vegetables, such as papaya, watermelon, strawberries and grapefruit.
Commercial tomato products such as tomato paste or sauce contain high sodium, people who has high blood pressure are suggested to choose the low-sodium products, or prepare the foods by yourself.
This article is contributed by Carrie Tang, Dietetic Student and reviewed by Hazel Ng, RD