《吳希素營養師專欄》吃得出「色」- 葉綠素

生活 時間:04/25/2011 瀏覽: 364
Eat Right with Color – Green

Green fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigment called chlorophyll. Green leafy vegetables are ideal for weight management because they are typically low in calories, it helps to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Many green fruits and vegetables are low in fat, high in dietary fiber, rich in folic acid, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, it also contains a host of phytochemicals, such as luteins, beta-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin.

Lutein and zeaxanthin can be found in dark-green leafy vegetables, they are concentrated in the eye lens and macular region of the retina, and play a protective role in the eye. Leafy greens such as spinach and broccoli are excellent sources of folate, which is a B vitamin that helps reduce risk of birth defects.

There is a study shows that an increment of one daily serving of green leafy vegetables, it helps to lower the risk of getting cardiovascular disease by 11 percent, and substantially lower the risk of mortality. Because of their high magnesium content and low glycemic index, green leafy vegetables are also good for persons with type 2 diabetes. An increase of 1 serving per day of green leafy vegetables was associated with a 9 percent lower risk of diabetes.

Here are some examples of the greens:

Green apples, asparagus, avocados, broccoli, green cabbage, cucumbers, green grapes, honeydew melon, kiwi, lettuce, green pepper, spinach.

If you are interested to meet with the registered dietitian, please contact 626-283-5128. We are now accepting some insurances, please call for details.

吃得出「色」- 葉綠素

葉綠素為蔬果添上了 綠色,讓它們變得更健康和清新。由於綠葉蔬菜不含高熱量,絕對是減重的最佳伙伴,更能減低患上癌症和冠心病的風險。大多的 綠色蔬菜都是低熱量和高纖維,並含有大量的葉酸、維生素C、鉀和鎂。綠色蔬果中更含有植化素(一種只存在於植物中的物質),如葉黃 素、β-隱黃質和玉米黃質。葉黃素和玉米黃素都集中在眼睛的晶狀體和視網膜黃斑區域,有保護眼鏡的作用。而綠葉蔬菜如西蘭 花和菠菜等都含有豐富的葉酸,能減低嬰兒患有天生缺陷的風險。

另有研究發現每增加 一份的綠葉蔬菜的份量,患上心血管疾病的風險便會減低11%,更會減低死亡率。由於綠菜蔬菜含有豐富的鎂質和低食物GI值,能有效控 制糖尿病。研究指出,每增加一份綠葉蔬菜的份量,患上糖尿病的機會便會減少9%。多吃綠色的蔬果對人體確實百利而無一害。

以下為綠色蔬果的例 子:


如有任何營養諮詢,可致電626-283-5128 與吳希素註冊營養師聯絡,我們正在接受某些保險,詳情請致電查詢。



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