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Weight Loss Secrets
Have you thought about why people lose weight and regain them back so easily? Let's learn from the successful people...
The National Weight Control Registry was established in 1994 to track the characteristics of successful weight management in adults. To participate in the study one must be 18 years or older and have lost 30 pounds or more and have kept it off for one year or longer. The characteristics of the current 5,000 participants is as follows:
78% eat breakfast every day
75% weigh themselves at least once a week
62% watch less than 10 hours of TV a week
90% exercise on average 1 hour a day
How do you match up to these successful adults?
Pls. click here for a successful story of my client and see how she lost 50 lbs !
If you are interested to meet with the registered dietitian, please contact 626-283-5128. We are now accepting some insurances, please call for details.
你是否曾經成功減重,但不久後體重又「反 彈」呢?我們應從成功的例子中學習減重的秘訣!
國際體重控制登記處成立於1994年,當 中調查了成功的體重管理計劃的特質。參與此研究的人必須年滿 18歲或以上,並已減去30磅或以上,而且體重維持一年或以上的時間。當 中5000名參與者的特點如下:
78% 的人每天吃早餐
75% 的人每週至少一次量體重
62% 的人每週看不多於10小時的電視
90% 的人平均每天鍛煉1小時
如有任何營養諮詢,可致電626-283-5128 與吳希素註冊營養師聯絡,我們正在接受某些保險,詳情請致電查詢。