
生活 時間:12/27/2011 瀏覽: 783
Holiday Tips for Healthy Eating :

1. Make just one trip to the party buffet. Choose only the foods you really want to eat and keep portions small.
2. Go easy on fried appetizers and cheese cubes. Instead, have some raw vegetables with a small amount of dip or try boiled shrimp or scallops with cocktail sauce or lemon.
3. Bring a dish to the party filled with raw vegetables with a yogurt or cottage cheese dip, or bring a platter of fresh fruit.
4. If you are at a sit-down dinner party, cut your first helping in half. So you can enjoy seconds.
5. Enjoy physical activity after a holiday feast. Find activities the whole family can do.
6. Be realistic. Don't try to lose weight during the holidays. Instead, strive to maintain your weight by balancing party eating with other meals.
7. Have fun. Enjoy traditional holiday meals and party foods with family and friends while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, too.

Interested in learning about weight goal and nutrition needs?
Schedule a free body weight and fat% analysis with Hazel at 626-283-5128 or email to hazel@smarteater.net.

節日健康飲食秘訣 :

1. 選擇你真正想要吃的食物,份量要控制得宜。只要滿足食慾及好奇心便可。
2. 少用炸物或芝士球作為頭盤小吃。提供蔬菜盆與低脂沙拉醬或乳酪(或預備一個鮮水果拼盤)。也可以用清水將蝦或扇貝煮熟,然後加入雞尾酒醬或檸檬作為頭盤。
3. 可於派對中製作一盤沙拉,或新鮮水果。
4. 多選擇用蒸、烤、焗等方法烹調的菜式來代替煎、炸、炒、燴,以減少卡路里及脂肪 攝取。
5. 計劃一些讓所有家庭成員也能參與的活動,例如公園散步、遠足、騎腳踏車或溜冰。即使在假期後,也能繼續與家人共享這些有趣的活動。
6. 要面對現實。不要在假期中嘗試減肥,這目標會弄巧成拙的。相反,在派對中控制食物的份量,努力保持體重才是目標。在普通日子裡,吃小量多餐低熱量的食物,能讓你在節日中享受節日食物,而總熱量也不會攝入過多。
7. 要玩得健康。與家人和朋友一起享受傳統的節日美食和派對食物的同時,也保持健康的生活方式吧!




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