根管治療專家 陳彥榮牙醫師 新客優惠服務
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陽明山根管治療中心(Sunny Hills Endodontics),以診斷和治療牙齒的根管系統疾病久負盛名。中心配備全美一流的牙科治療設備和護理人員,並且在根管治療及相關的手術上,能夠與患者以及患者的牙科醫生密切合作,以治療和恢復患者最佳的口腔健康為主。基於這個原因,許多牙醫選擇把病人轉介到陽明山根管治療中心的陳醫師和約翰醫師這裏來持續治療,並期待獲取最佳康復結果。
陽明山根管治療中心的位址:220 Laguna Rd., #3 Fullerton, CA 92835;聯繫電話:(714) 738-6651。
Dr. William Y. Chen: an endodontic specialist
Having own healthy teeth is very important for a people’s entire lifetime. Sunny Hills Endodontics subscribes to a program of preventive dental care. It is their belief that the prevention of disease is far more enjoyable, less costly and more comfortable for all concerned. So their goal is to help you achieve and maintain a healthy mouth as quickly and as economically as possible.
Sunny Hills Endodontics specializes in maintaining teeth through endodontic therapy -- procedures, involving the soft inner tissue of the teeth, called the pulp. All dentists are trained in diagnosis and endodontic therapy, however, some teeth can be especially difficult to diagnose and treat. That’s why you may have been referred to an endodontic specialist.
Dr. William Y. Chen is such an endodontic specialist who may help with your endodontic therapy. Root canal or endodontic therapy has a very high degree of success. Teeth which can be treated near ideal have a success rate up to ninety percent! Dr William Y. Chen will discuss with you the chances of success before any endodontic procedure to help you make an informed decision. If a root canal or endodontic therapy is unsuccessful or fails you still have options.