《萬里法律/教育》推出三個系列 (10 weeks each) 寫作課程

教育 時間:06/28/2013 瀏覽: 1435

應廣大要求,我們將推出三個系列 (10 weeks each) 寫作課程。課程內容如下:

初級課:寫作基礎,寫作模版。我們將激發學生的寫作興趣。學生在課堂上將會學到基本的寫作模版及句子結構。美國的高中英語課上, 老師並不會教學生固定的寫作模版。所以我們的基礎寫作課程將是獨一無二的。於此同時, 我們將擴展寫生的SAT詞彙。在課程結束時 寫生將會寫出如下內榮:

中級課 :邏輯閱讀及寫作。經過初級班 的培訓, 學生已經建立了寫作信心。中級班 將學生的寫作提升到更高的水平邏輯寫作。我們將給學生一段SAT閱讀短文, 教學生如何合理分析及理解。學生將會學習如何寫出像SAT閱讀一樣合乎邏輯的作文。如果有合理的邏輯,學生的SAT閱讀成績一定可以得到高分。同時我們將擴展學生的SAT詞彙。

高級課:時事新聞事件。為了讓學生的寫作提升到更高的層次。光有寫作的基礎及合理的邏輯是不夠的。 學生應寫出關於時事的邏輯性文章。如果寫生可以寫出關於總統競選或是最低駕駛年齡的文章, 尤其是對理科學生, 文章可以顯示出他們的成熟思想。

對於即將升為12年級的高中生, 我們的快節奏的作文集訓已經包括了這三類課程。

萬里教育/法律 敬上


Dear Students and Parents:

We have been receiving lots of inquiries for our Writing Classes. We actually have a series of 3 consecutive Classes (10 weeks each), which are detailed as follows

Class 1: Foundations of Writing, Using Templates and Formulas. This is the current class offered. For this Class, we will bring the “fun” back in writing. Students will learn easy writing templates and Sentence Structures they can use immediately. High School English teachers do NOT teach templates or formulas. So this Class is unavailable anywhere else. We also incorporate SAT vocabulary throughout the session, with a focus on SAT Essay Writing the last 2 sessions. At the end of the session, students would have gained the Confidence + Ability to write as follows:

Class 2: Analytical and Critical Reading & Writing. Now that Students possess the ability and confidence to write, it’s time to move to the next level – Critical Reading and Writing. We will study short passages that are modeled after the SAT Reading section. Then Students will write to analyze such short stories or passages. In another words, we will train students to write passages just like the SAT Reading section. If they could achieve that, then achieving a high sore on the SAT Reading is not very hard. Of course, we will incorporate SAT vocabulary into the writing.

Class 3: Current & Contemporary Events. The foundation for a Student is now solid and can write on current and contemporary events. Why is that important? If a Student can write on issues such Presidential Elections or minimum age for driver license, s/he would appear to be very “well-rounded,” especially for science and engineering students. In this class, students will use the formulas and vocabulary they learned, and apply to take their writing to the next level.

For the juniors rising to Seniors already in our Intensive College Essay Program, we include all 3 of these Classes in the Essay workshops already. We just do it at a faster pace that 9th-11th graders.


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