凱豐游泳俱樂部(Calphin Aquatic Club) 推出Adult Master Program

生活 時間:03/07/2011 瀏覽: 4857
位于34075 Fremont Blvd.的凱豐游泳俱樂部 (加州海豚游泳學校) 推出Adult Master Program。

凱豐游泳俱樂部 (Calphin Aquatic Club),由經驗豐富的世界冠軍及奧林匹克獎章獲得者王曉紅教練親自指導,安全,乾淨,舒適的環境,常年恆溫,全新室內游泳池。

Join us for a morning swim before your work or school and feel rejuvenated all day long. Calphin’s Master Program is open to adult swimmers of all abilities and interests with our indoor, year-around heated pool. Whether you are a novice or seasoned veteran, a fitness swimmer or competitive tri-athlete, you are welcome to join! The Master Program features special drill sets developed by our World Champion Head Coach. Our experienced on –deck coach will match the routine structured workouts and instructions to your skill levels, to improve your swim strokes, speed and endurance.,

Helping swimmers to enhance health, stay in-shape, relieve stress, increase energy, have fun, and get active support for a healthy lifestyle through friendship and camaraderie are our main goals.

Participants must be age 15 or older and have the ability to swim 100 yards in Freestyle,and 100 yards in Backstroke (or Breaststroke).

Projected start date : March 7th,2011
Program schedule : Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 6am-7am
Price: $69/month and $25 registration fee

Enrollment Hotline: 510-790-SWIM (7946)
Office Hour: 9-5 M-S
Address: 34075 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA 94555
Website: www.calphin.com


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