中國國旅假期: 幫我們傳名氣 可獲禮品卡

旅遊 時間:08/26/2010 瀏覽: 1399
中國國旅假期(China International Travel CA, Inc) 希望在這個夏季裡,您能享受到家庭、假日、陽光的快樂!我們有兩則消息與您分享。


上海世博會將在10月31日結束,如果您還沒去看過,趕快計劃!參加我們系列團的每位客人,都會贈送一張世博會門票(請參考我們的世博會網頁 )。另我們還特別安排了一個10月4號出發的上海世博會10天特價團*,行程包括北京、無錫、蘇州、杭州與上海。
(*特價團只有講中文的導遊,請點此看更多細節 。)


對我們來説,信譽就是黃金。請用您的親身經歷,把您對我們服務的評價,行程的安排以及您的旅遊照片讓我們刊登在網站上(或者讓我們用您曾經給我們發過的郵件裏寫的評價),前20位客人可獲贈 $15 的星巴克禮物卡一張或一磅See's Candies禮物卡一張。如有興趣,請撥打中國國旅假期1-888-648-1568 或 與我們聯絡。

We here at CIT hope that you have had an enjoyable summer full of family, fun, and a little bit of sun. We just have a couple of quick things to share with you.

See Shanghai's Expo 2010 before it's over!

Expo 2010 ends on October 31st, so if you haven’t seen it yet and would like to see it before it’s over, now is the time to make it happen!

We’re offering free tickets to the Expo with our regular tour packages (see our Expo 2010 page for details), and we have a new Shanghai Expo 10-Day discount tour* departing on October 4th, with an itinerary featuring Beijing, Wuxi, Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Shanghai. (*Discount tours have Chinese-speaking tour guides only.) Receive a gift card for helping us get the word out about CIT!

A good reputation is gold to a company like ours. We’d like to get the word out to more people about our many satisfied customers. The first 20 people to contact us with a positive review of your experience with CIT (perhaps simply feedback from an e-mail you sent us), or photos of your tour group, that you’d like to let us share with people on our website will receive your choice of a $15 Starbucks gift card or a one-pound See’s Candies gift certificate. Please contact us by phone (1-888-648-1568) or e-mail ( to take us up on this offer.


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