傳統與創新並存的好滋味 新上海餐廳

美食 時間:07/12/2010 瀏覽: 1901

新上海的江浙菜,而以清淡、精緻為主,食來極為爽口,適合本地華人的口味,傳統與創新並存。難得的是,新上海全天供應各式自製正宗上海點心, 每道點心作工精製,風味獨特,且分量相當。週末更增加甜豆漿、鹹豆漿、燒餅、油條、蟹殼黃等。

新上海餐廳地址在3082 Landess Ave. San Jose, CA 95132 (近 680 Landess 出口),交通及停車非常方便,每週七天營業,訂座電話408-945-1380。

Good Taste in New Shanghai Restaurant

Located at North San Jose Avenue, the New Shanghai Restaurant is famous for its Shanghai and Zhejiang cuisine.

New Shanghai Restaurant is quite good at cooking Shanghai and Jiangzhe cuisine, which represents a very tasty food of local Chinese cuisine. They supply all kinds of home-made authentic Shanghai Dim Sum all day long. Each snack includes the unique flavor, and a considerable price. They provide sweet soy milk, salty soy milk, fresh-fried fritters and so on during the weekends.

New Shanghai Restaurant address: 3082 Landess Ave. San Jose, CA 95132 (near 680 Landess export). Parking is very convenient and always available.

Open seven days a week. For reservations, please call 408-945-1380.


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