優勢地產集團 值得客戶信賴及肯定

地產 時間:07/12/2010 瀏覽: 810
優勢地產集團UR Property Group- Silicon Valley,以最專業創新地產團隊在這幾年變動低迷市場中,展現出獨具特色的一面,經由用心計劃,細心溝通,與專業諮詢談判,讓業績仍能以每年約25%高獲利率成長,年度營業額達到1億5千萬美元。


優勢地產集團進一步詳情,歡迎瀏覽該公司網站 www.eddieshen.com或www.urpropertygroup.com 或電洽 650-823-0266或408-483-5809。

UR Property Group: All we provide is the trust.

UR Property Group- Silicon Valley, the most innovative real estate professional team, show the uniqueness through careful planning, communication, negotiation and professional advice to increase the high profitability growth by 25% a year, realizing the annual turnover of 150,000,000.

UR Property Group has a history of success and integrity in real estate that you can depend on. We are experienced negotiators with expert knowledge of the local market. You can count on us to always work with your interests in mind, and to represent you and your wishes to the best of our ability. As a part of our business model, we have not forgotten our obligation to our communities. 20% of our profits are donated to support such organizations as; Friends of Children with Special Needs, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Second Harvest Food Bank and many others each year.

For further information regarding UR Property Group, please visit the company website www.eddieshen.com or www.urpropertygroup.com or call 650-823-0266 or 408-483-5809.


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