
生活 時間:06/12/2015 瀏覽: 1737

DermaShine injection is hyaluronic acid injected into the skin to stimulate the production of new collagen. The injection also maintains skin collagen homeostasis, which can effectively eliminate skin aging issues such as wrinkles and loose skin.

The DermaShine injection uses hyaluronic acid directly onto the skin, giving it a soft, moist,shiny,and translucent texture.This injection can easily solve the problem of lack of water, improvement of small wrinkles, bring significant results.

透明質酸(Hyaluronic Acid)本身是一種構成人體的天然物質,所以對人體沒有副作用和排斥反應。透明質酸對皮膚保濕有重要作用,嬰兒的皮膚里含有高達80%~90%的透明質酸,同20~30歲的肌膚相比,30~40歲時人體透明質酸的含量是75%,40歲以上只有60%,皮膚老化過程中人體會減少透明質酸,且皮膚彈力下降,產生皺紋。這時注入透明質酸可以提升水分保持能力,使皮膚滋潤透亮。
Hyaluronate (Hyaluronic Acid) is a natural substance occuring in the body, so the human body can accept the DermaShine injection without side effects and rejection. Skin moisturizing hyaluronic acid plays an important role, an infant's skin contains an abundance of Hyaluronic Acid at about 80-90%. With 20 to 30 year-old skin compared to the content of 30 to 40 years of age is 75% of Hyaluronic acid. For 40 years old, there is only about 60% Hylauronic acid. As we go through the aging process, we lose Hylauronic acid which causes the elasticity to decrease and the wrinkles to appear. With our DermaShine injection we can help preserve our skin looking radiant.

Dermashine Function:
1, effectively improve wrinkles of the face, neck, hands and body
2, shrink pores, increase elasticity, firming skin
3, less inflammation, improve crow's feet, nasolabial foldsand other sensitive area
4, the full complement of moisture, make skin moist and soft, glossy

After Dermashine is injected into the dermis, it serves to hydrate cells, promote blood circulation and skin absorption of nutrients,which itself will continue to be diluted and absorbed.  In general, people with dry skin and those who do not take care of their skin can only maintain the injection for a short period of time, for about three months or so.  After three consecutive DermaShine injections,the results can be maintained for about 6 to 9 months, but based on personal lifestyle, skin type, and maintenance, the time may vary.

3、治療:在治療部分,注入進去適量的Hyaluronic Acid。
Treatment Process
1. Deep Cleaning: Before treatment, wash face and remove make up from the skin.
2. Anesthesia: Apply numbing cream to area.
3. Treatment: The treatment section, injected with the right amount of Hyaluronic Acid.
4. Post Treatment: Hyaluronic acid injected into better absorption, improve the therapeutic effect.

1. 注射後一周內禁酒禁煙。
2. 注射後一周內盡量避開強烈的紫外線。
3. 注射後5天內盡量避免桑拿或劇烈的運動。
4. 注射後注意不要用力磨擦治療部位。
1. Injection requires to prohibit smoking within a week.
2. Try to avoid strong UV sunlight within a week.
3. After the injection avoid the sauna or vigorous exercise five days.
4. After injection careful not to force friction at treatment site.

No downtime, can return to routine activities.



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