仁愛醫療美容中心創立於2002年,是美國南加州仁愛醫療集團 www.ahmchealth.com 特約醫療美容專門機構,同時也是【惠提爾醫院】 【聖蓋博醫院】【蒙特利醫院】【嘉惠爾醫院】【安那罕醫院】【宏恩醫院】【仁愛醫院】...等七家大型醫院的指定注射醫療美容機構,因精湛的技術和優質的服務,於2014年榮獲七家醫院所頒發的“最佳傑出醫學美容中心”認證金鑽獎。
Alhambra Medical and Cosmetic Center was founded in 2002. AMCC is affiliated with specialized cosmetic agencies, Southern California Medical Groups and AHMC Healthcare, www.ahmchealth.com. These include the southern California hospitals: Whittier Hospital, San Gabriel Valley Medical Center, Monterey Park Hospital, Garfield Medical Center, Anaheim Regional Medical Center, Alhambra Hospital, and Greater El Monte Community Hospital. Alhambra Medical and Cosmetic Center has won the 2014 Diamond Award for superb technology and high quality of service from these seven hospitals.
At Alhambra Medical & Cosmetic Center, we provide leading-edge and comprehensive cosmetic services that help you look and feel your very best.Alhambra Medical and Cosmetic Center’s brand is our professionalism and dedication to excellence. We have attended many famous medical conventions, obtain the most advanced technologies first, and have the most experienced providers and team. This environment allows our clients to receive effective diagnosis, care, and treatment plans throughout their encounter here. As we believe your body and appearance are windows to your heart and soul, we want your inner beauty and personality to reflect how you look and feel as well. Alhambra Medical and Cosmetic Center is dedicated to providing personalized, comprehensive services for you.
Alhambra Medical & Cosmetic Center
55 S. Raymond Ave, Ste 302, Alhambra, CA 91801
Tel: 626-289-9149, 626-289-9615
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