【苹果乐园幼儿园 Apple Land Daycare】硅谷儿童好去处 硅谷繁忙家长的好帮手

教育 時間:10/04/2016 瀏覽: 6290

Apple Land Daycare 苹果乐园幼儿园位于硅谷 Santa Clara 95050 Valley Fair Mall 附近,环境优雅干净,安全。

1. 英才施教:中英文双语教学,有多年在美幼儿教学经验,对孩子有爱心和耐心。

2. 专为适龄儿童设计的学前课程,儿歌,字母,讲故事,阅读,杂技和体操的基础课程。

3. 全方位多元丰富教学,每天都有一节不同的课程:钢琴音乐课,杂技基础课,体操基础课,中文听读课程等!

4. 提供有机绿色食品,营养均衡的一日三餐及新鲜水果

5. 协助父母给孩子便盆训练

6. 室外专用儿童活动场地,各式玩具

WE provide excellent quality of child care. 
Apple Land Daycare Provides a safe, educational place for your children. We supply 3 meals and 2 snacks daily made from organic ingredients. Each meal is prepared with nutrition with your 5 basic food groups.

For education and learning we have
- Chinese and English Lessons
- Beginning Math
- Art Time
- Physical Education
- Reading Time

Also if you want to do more for your child we also provide
Piano Lessons and Early Gymnastics and Acrobats training.

Apple Land Daycare Licensed by California state
- CPR & First Aid Certified 
- Finger Printed and background checked by police department, TB test
- Ages: 0-6 years
- Hours: 8am - 6:30pm M-F (
电话: 408-406-6780 or 408-490-4192 Sherry 老师

We want to help you child get the best out of life by providing great care.

Thank you for your time.



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