萬里法律/教育集團 2017 年 5 月講座

生活 時間:05/25/2017 瀏覽: 3437

萬里的「May 2017」講座:


Powerful Whole Day Boot Camp/策略論文打造班

5/27(六)艾爾蒙特(9440通訊衛星大道,#6,艾爾蒙特,CA 91731)

5/28(曰)胡桃木(19811科利馬州路,套房250,核桃,CA 91789)

5/29(一)歐文8企業園區,套房250,歐文,CA 92606) 


9:45 AM Registartion(共3天)

上午10點-下午3點  (午餐提供) 


1) 從招生辦的角色選擇學生, 角色扮演, 換位思考

2) 大學排名, 入學率, 候補名單, 學校的入學政策與錄取率的關係

3) 選校名單策略


5) 提早申請策略, ED/EA 如何搭配運用Strategy to select ED/EA school  高分績優生, 如何衝刺常春藤

6) 建立USP ,發展個人特色 (Unique Selling Points for Asian Students)

7) 主修與將來專業的關係

8) 4 篇 UC 論文解題策略, 萬里寫作工具箱

9) 判斷及分析論文好壞, 平淡無奇或感動人心

10) 面試培訓,

11) 剛進名校新鮮人現場感動分享 



每名學生的學費= $ 200


1) 短訊/電話​   949-682-8484,

2)  微信:WinnieWanMile

3) 電郵:Winnie@WanMile.com








一定要訂位 (only 10 spots left in each location)!



萬里法律/教育集團   敬上


______________________________ ______________________________

Dear Students and Parents:


We have a  "Powerful Application Boot Camp (1-day)" in 3 differnet locations during Memorial Day Weekend:


5/27 (六) El Monte (9440 Telstar Ave, #6, El Monte, CA 91731)

5/28 (曰) Walnut (19811 Colima Road, Suite 250, Walnut, CA 91789)

5/29 (一) Irvine 8 Corporate Park, Suite 250, Irvine, CA 92606)


9:45 AM Registartion (All 3 Days)

10 AM - 3 PM  (Lunch Provided)


Boot CampTopics: 


1) College Admissions Simulation -- YOU becone the Admission Officer to Admit or Reject!

2) Seeing the college process from college’s point of view

3) College Ranking , Yield, waitlist enrollment policy

3) Strategy to build the school list

4) Strategy for Choosing Majors

5) Strategy to select ED/EA school -- for Ivy League and Other schools

6) Unique Selling Points for Asian Students)

7) Strategy for Writing Essays to Capture Attention

8) Interview Strategies -- How to introduce yourself + 30-second commercial.

9) Hear from 12th Graders who just got admitted to top schools 


Please RSVP (only 10 spots left in each location)

Tuition =$200 per student


Register:1) Txt/Phone 949-682-8484 

                 2) WeChat= WinnieWanMile 

                 3) Email=Winnie@WanMile.com


Please Provide 1) Student Name    2)  HS Name    3) Grade level

4) Parent Cell Number






WanMile 2017 Admission Stats:


Harvard =1

Yale = 2

Princeton =2

MIT =1

Cal Tech = 2

U of Chicago = 1

Penn = 2

Cornell = 4

Brown = 2

Dartmouth = 1

Duke = 1

NW =1

Wash U St. Louis = 3

Johns Hopkins = 1

Carnegie Mellon = 5

UCLA = 20

Berkeley = 10

USC = 8

Emory = 2

Notre Dame =2 

Tufts = 2

NYU = 12

Boston College =2

Boston U = 5

Brandeis =1

Northeastern =19

Case Western= 5

Santa Clara =7


Liberal Arts Colleges

Williams = 2

Swarthmore =1

Middlebury =1

Vassar =3

Harvey Mudd = 2

Grinnell =1

Pitzer =2

Oberlin =1

Bryn Mawr =2

McCalester = 2

Occidental = 2

Mt. Holyoke =1

Olin College of Engr =2


Out of State Public Universities

U Michigan (Ross) =1

U Texas (Business) =1

U Illinois (Comp Sci) =1

U Washington =1

U North Carolina =1

Purdue U = 1

U Oregon =2


Other UC's

UC San Diego = 60% admit rate

UC Santa Barbara = 55% admit rate

UC Irvine = 50% admit rate

UC Davis = 45% admit rate


Number of Students = 55


萬里法律/教育集團   敬上 



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