Have a Volvo that could use body or paint service? Trust your car with the Volvo Certified Body and Paint Service Center at Douglas Auto Body.
Not just anyone is given this certification: it's a rigorous process that proves our process, management, and premises are among the very best. Come visit us and find out firsthand how we earned this prestigious certification!
要獲得Volvo富豪汽車的認證,需通過一個嚴格的考核過程, 包括我們的管理和設備等都是最好的。歡迎您親自來參觀,看我們是如何獲得這個專業的認證!
我們在 YELP 上達到最高評級 5 顆星!
在加州帕薩迪納的道格拉斯汽車板金烤漆廠 DOUGLAS AUTO BODY & PAINT 將是您的首選。
請上網看我們客戶在YELP 的評語
Douglas Auto Body & Paint - Pasadena - Pasadena, CA
拖車、租車、免費送車到家、 拖吊損壞車輛服務,快速保險理賠,客戶推薦獎勵計劃,24小時中文服務專線 626.500.8068
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