新法教育學院黑色星期五大放送 !! 升大學服務優惠套餐*****別忘了告知是看CCYP,有特殊優惠方案喔!*****

教育 時間:11/27/2017 瀏覽: 1843


Flex Black Friday Sale

Thanksgiving is less than a week away, and 2017 is coming to an end. How have your children been doing at school this year? Have they set up the testing schedule yet, such as SAT/ACT, SAT II, and AP tests? Plus the deadlines for summer program registrations are also not far in sight. To respond to your concerns, Flex College Prep is proud to introduce the Black Friday Special Promotion, including our signature products with records low prices! They are one of the best Thanksgiving gifts that parents can present their children. 

The products include ACE counseling programs for 12th graders with application for either 3 or 5 colleges, UC+CAL application only program, 1+10 counseling programs for 8th-11th graders (10 counseling meetings + one-year unlimited SAT/ACT prep courses), winter intensive courses, unlimited SAT/ACT prep course package. Promotions expire on November 28. Please seize the opportunities to maximize the chances for their dream colleges.

For further information and details, please go to our website, www.flexcollegeprep.com, or call registration hotline: (909) 784-0820. The programs once purchased are non-refundable, and they are subject to some restrictions. Please talk to the enrollment staff in our 4 centers before you register!

黑色星期五大放送 !! 升大學服務優惠套餐

再過一周就是感恩節了,您孩子今年在學校內的學習如何呢?標準考試SAT或ACT考了沒有?冬季及夏季的課外活動規劃了?為了更進一步服務廣大的華裔家長及學生,Flex College Prep新法教育學院特別推出黑色星期五升大學優惠套餐(Black Friday Special Promotion),機會真的難得!全年限時最低價,詳情請上升學官網:www.flexcollegepre.com查詢相關細節,或是賜電華語服務熱線(909) 784-0820了解更多資訊。本次優惠活動有條件限制,務請全盤了解再行註册,一旦註册報名,恕不接受退款。


每個孩子都有一個大學夢想,不管它是什麼,Flex College Prep新法教育學院可以提供幫助,完成您子女的大學夢想!家長們,心動不如馬上行動,趕緊撥打華語註册熱線:(909) 784-0820了解更多訊息及詳情。黑色星期五優惠將於11月28日截止,不再延期!務必把握良機!

CCYP優惠11/28 截止


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