
生活 時間:12/28/2017 瀏覽: 5963



1. Yang-style Tai Chi 24 Form (Beginner Level) 楊式24式太極拳 (初級)

(Class Date & Time:  Saturdays 8:30 am - 9:30 am; Starts January 6, 2018)


2. 48 Form Tai Chi (Intermediate Level) 48式太極拳 (中級)

(Class Date & Time:  Saturdays 9:45 am - 10:45 am; Starts January 6, 2018)


3. 32 Form Tai Chi Sword (Specialty Class) 32式太極劍 (高級)

(Class Date & Time:  Saturdays 11:00 am - 12:00 pm; January 6, 2018)


4. Wu-style Tai Chi 13 Form (Beginner Level) 吳式13式太極拳 (初級)

(Class Date & Time:  Sundays 8:30 am - 9:30 am; starts January 7, 2018)


5. Tai Chi Push Hands (Specialty Class) 太極推手 (高級)

(Class Date & Time:  Sundays 9:45 am - 10:45 am; Starts January 7, 2018)


6. Stretching Exercise - La Jin Fa (All Level, Instructor: Athena) 拉筋法 (初、中、高級

(Class Date & Time:  Sundays 11:00 am - 12:30 pm; Starts January 7, 2018)


7. Chen-style Tai Chi 18 Form (Beginner Level, Instructor: Leo) 陳式18式太極拳 (初級)

(Class Date & Time:  Tuesdays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm; Starts January 9, 2018)


8. Chen-style Tai Chi 36 Form (Intermediate Level) 陳式36式太極拳 (中級)

(Class Date & Time:  Tuesdays 7:45 pm - 8:45 pm; starts January 9, 2018)


9. Tai Chi/Qigong Flow (Beginner Level, Instructor: Leo) 太極養生功 (初級

(Class Date & Time:  Wednesdays 11:00 am - 12:00 pm; Starts January 10, 2018)


10. Xing-yi Chuan (Beginner Level, Instructor: Leo) 形意拳 (初級)

(Class Date & Time:  Wednesdays 7:45 pm - 8:45 pm; Starts January 10, 2018)


11. Stretching Exercise - La Jin Fa (All Level, Instructor: Athena) 拉筋法 (初、中、高級)

(Class Date & Time:  Thursdays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm; Starts January 11, 2018)


12. Wu-style Tai Chi 13 Form (Beginner Level) 吳式13式太極拳 (初級)

(Class Date & Time:  Thursdays 7:45 pm - 8:45 pm; Starts January 11, 2018)


13. Kids Kungfu (Level 2, Instructor: Brian) 少兒武術 (二級)

(Class Date & Time: Saturdays 2:10 pm - 3:00 pm. Starts January 6, 2018)


14. Kids/Teens Kungfu (Level 1, Instructor: Leo) 少兒武術 (一級)

(Class Date & Time: Wednesdays 6:30 pm - 7:20 pm. Starts January 10, 2018)

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Yang-style Tai Chi 24 Form (Beginner Level) 楊式24式太極拳 (初級)

Class Day & Time: Saturdays 8:30am - 9:30am

Yang-style Tai Chi is called Tai Chi for general health. It is the most popular and widely practiced form of Tai Chi. Its movements are larger, gentle, slow and evenly-paced. Regular practice improves general health for the practitioner as the exercise keeps your joints flexible and your bones and muscles strong. Class is suitable for people of all ages and abilities who want to stay physically active.

In this class, you will learn and practice foundational steps and techniques of Yang-style Tai Chi;  learn the details of each step of the Yang-style Tai Chi 24 forms routine (楊式24式太極拳). This class is suitable for beginners and all ages.


48 Form Tai Chi (Intermediate Level) 48式太極拳 (中級)

Class Day & Time: Saturdays 9:45am - 10:45am

48 Form Tai Chi is an intermediate to advanced level Tai Chi routine that was created by the Chinese National Wushu Association. Following the beginner level 24 Form Tai Chi, and the intermediate level 32 Form, 48 Form is still based on Yang-style and combines essential techniques from Chen-style, Wu-style and Sun-style Tai Chi. This routine includes all the major movements from 24 form, 32 form, also incorporates more challenging tai chi techniques, the level of difficulty is increased, the amount of exercise is also increased, the entire routine take more than 10 minutes to complete.  Students need at least learned the Yang-style Tai Chi 24 form OR 32 form, 42 form in order to learn 48 form. 


In this class, you will practice Yang-style Tai Chi 24 form; step by step learn the details of the 48 forms routine. This class is suitable for intermediate to advanced level and all ages.


32 Form Tai Chi Sword (Specialty Class) 32式太極劍 (高級)

Class Day & Time: Saturdays 11:00am - 12:00pm

Tai Chi Sword is one of the most popular Tai Chi weapons. The two-edged straight sword (jian) is used for training upper body conditioning, strengthening the arms and wrist, and improving energy coordination throughout the whole body. 32 Form Tai Chi Sword is a short form of the Yang-style Tai Chi sword form that contains the essential sword techniques. In this class, you will learn and practice Tai Chi Sword foundational techniques and step by step learn the Yang-style 32 Form Tai Chi Sword routine. Students will need to have their own sword for this class. This is a specialty class, class size is limited to 10 and preregistration is required. Prerequisite for this class is that the student already learned two sets of Tai Chi Chuan forms.


Wu-style Tai Chi 13 Form (Beginner Level) 吳式13式太極拳 (初級)

Class Day & Time:

Sundays 8:30am - 9:30am

Thursdays 7:45pm - 8:45pm

Wu-style Tai Chi is called Tai Chi for fall prevention, is characterized by small circle subtle techniques mixed with some large frame circular movements that are best for improving balance to prevent falls. Class is suitable for people of all ages and abilities. In this class, you will practice foundational steps and techniques of Wu-style Tai Chi; step by step learn Wu-style Tai Chi short form (13 Form) routine. This class is suitable for beginner level and all ages.


Push Hands (Specialty Class)   推手(高級)

Class Day & Time: Sundays 9:45am - 10:45am

Push Hands class is an advanced level specialty class that requires students to have learned at least two Tai Chi routines. Class size is limited to 12 and preregistration is required. This class takes the fundamental movements and energies taught in Tai Chi form classes and teaches how to apply them in a more dynamic environment. Partners work together to learn how to apply and neutralize external force, giving a deeper understanding of Tai Chi principles. In this class, you will learn the basic Single-Hand Patterns, the Two-Handed variants of the Single-Hand Patterns, and the full 4-Energy Pattern in it's four different configurations. You will also learn applications that can be used along various points of the 4-Energy Pattern.


Stretching Exercise (La Jin Fa) 拉筋法

Class Day & Time:

Sundays 11:00am - 12:30pm

Thursdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Lajinfa is a traditional stretching exercise structured according to the human body. Starting from the head then the shoulders, spine, waist, legs, fingers, and toes. The entire exercise takes about 75 minutes. It is the most beneficial exercise for your body, if you can complete the whole session without stopping. However, beginners might find this challenging, therefore, a brief intermission is included to allow beginners to take a short break before continuing. Keep in mind you should practice at the level that suits your abilities and physical conditions to maximize benefits and avoid injuries.


Chen-style Tai Chi 18 Form (Beginner Level) 陳式18式太極拳 (初級)

Class Day & Time: Tuesdays 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Chen-style Tai Chi is the most original Tai Chi form, characterized by circular and spiraling movements that can be slow or fast explosive. This beginner level class focuses on students learning and practicing the foundational steps and techniques of Chen-style Tai Chi; learn the each step of Chen-style Tai Chi 18 form. This class is suitable for beginner level and all ages.


Chen-style Tai Chi 36 Form (Intermediate Level) 陳式36式太極拳 (中級)

Class Day & Time: Tuesdays 7:45pm - 8:45pm

Chen-style Tai Chi is the most original Tai Chi form, characterized by circular and spiraling movements that can be slow or fast explosive. This intermediate level class focuses on practicing and improving the foundational steps and techniques of Chen-style Tai Chi; learn each step of the Chen-style Tai Chi 36 form. This class suitable for intermediate level and all ages. Students need to have learned the Chen-style 18 form to sign up this class.


Tai Chi/Qigong Flow (Beginner Level) 太極養生功 (初級)

Class Day & Time: Wednesdays 11:00am - 12:00pm

Tai Chi Flow class is appropriate for students of all levels - from beginners wanting a gentle introduction to Tai Chi practice to advanced students looking to further their mastery of Tai Chi.

Rather than teaching a particular form, the Tai Chi Flow class will focus on the fundamental postures and movements that form the essence of Tai Chi. Simple combinations of foundational movements will allow students to concentrate on the core principles of Tai Chi without having to be concerned with a complex set of transitions. Qigong exercises will be incorporated to further enhance health and wellness. In this class, you will get relaxation for both body and mind, improve your strength, balance and flexibility. The class is suitable for all levels and all ages.


Xing Yi Quan (Beginner Level) 形意拳入門 (初級)

Class Day & Time: Wednesdays 7:45pm - 8:45pm

Xing Yi Quan is an internal martial art whose philosophy is similar to Tai Chi Chuan in that the focus is on mind intention and simultaneously defending and attacking (yin and yang). Xing Yi Quan is known for its aggressiveness, its motions are more linear than Tai Chi Chuan and incorporate the use of fajing at close range (short jing) to produce an overwhelming wave of energy. In this class, you will learn and practice foundational steps and techniques of Xing Yi Quan; learn the details of each step of the 5 Elements basic forms. This class is suitable for beginners and all ages.


Kids Kungfu/Tai Chi   少兒武術太極

Class Day & Time: 

Saturdays 2:10pm - 3:00pm

Wednesdays 6:30pm - 7:20pm

Kids Kungfu/Tai Chi is a class offering for the next generation to help them learn to develop more energy and build core body strength, which provides an excellent foundation for other activities. Get better concentration and focus at school, better health and increased immunity. In this class, kids will learn and practice foundational Chinese Wu-shu forms and self-defense techniques and learn the basics of Tai Chi steps and a short tai chi routine.





太極大師吳阿敏Master Amin Wu

地址:1395 El Camino Real, Unit E, Millbrae, CA







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