華人之光John Chiang 江俊輝競選2018年加州州長晚宴

法律 時間:05/02/2018 瀏覽: 6574
華人之光John Chiang 江俊輝競選2018年加州州長晚宴

為了表彰並支持當前加利福尼亞州財政部長John Chiang 江俊輝先生於2018年的州長競選,我們由衷地邀請各位加入於5月1日舉行的州長親臨接待晚宴。

作為現任加州財政部長,John Chiang 江俊輝先生被稱之為是一位對財政負責並擁有進取願景的領導者,同時,這也正是加利福尼亞州所迫切需要的領導者。 John Chiang 江俊輝先生曾在2007至2014年間擔任加州審計長,在他任職期間,促進了州政府的透明度和可達性,堅持以要求政府官員做正確的事情為主要立場。通過幫助富國銀行在華爾街銀行中站穩腳跟,John Chiang 江俊輝先生利用審計和債務重組為其節省數十億美元,並且持續創造出值得我們為之投票的創舉。 John Chiang 江俊輝先生的這種對財政負責且不斷進取的願景是作為加利福尼亞州州長所必不可少的領導人品質。

總之,我們可以為此而努力,為加州更好的未來而努力,共同支持華人之光John Chiang 江俊輝先生為下一屆加州州長。



Join us for an intimate Reception to honor California State Treasurer John Chiang and support his campaign for Governor of California 2018. 

As current State Treasurer, John Chiang is widely known as a fiscally responsible and progressive leader—what California desperately needs. John Chiang had previously served as our State Controller from 2007 to 2014, during which he increased transparency and accessibility in state government, standing his ground while demanding government officials to do the right thing. By standing up to Wall Street Banks, such as Wells Fargo, John has saved us billions of dollars via audits and debt restructuring, and continues to produce a track record worth our votes. The combination of John’s fiscal responsibility and progressive vision is just what California needs in a Governor.

Together, we can make it happen—we can elect John Chiang as California State Governor.


This is our Facebook event link:


This is the donation link:
RSVP: http://www.johnchiang.com/may17


(626) 795-8886


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