「大莊家賭場度假村」~被USA Today提名,為給您提供更好的服務,需要您和我們一起合作!

生活 時間:09/07/2018 瀏覽: 3533

I’m proud to announce that Pechanga Resort Casino nominated 3 different categories in 10best.com by USA Today, for “Best Casino HOTEL” , “Best Casino outside of Las Vegas”, ” Best Casino restaurant – UMI”

We need your VOTE 



It’s because of you, we receive the 1st Best Casino in USA in 2015, and Top 3 of Best Casino in USA last year, you’re part of us to receive this honor, we really do appreciate all of your support. 

To make it easier way for these 3 different VOTES, you can see below link as well :


Best Casino Hotel



Best Casino Outside of Las Vegas



Best Restaurant (UMI)



You can have one vote in each of above links daily until Sept 16, 2018.  Thank you and have a great long weekend, enjoy with your families and friends.
