
時間:02/22/2019 瀏覽: 2284
翻译 | Yongling  编辑 | Lianzi, Vicky
Reaffirming our support for Berkeley’s international community
Dear campus community,
最近几周, 加州大学伯克利分校行政部门收到了一些针对我们华裔教授以及与中国企业机构有合作的研究人员的负面言论,甚至没有任何证据地指控这些学者可能充当间谍或者做损害美国利益的工作。我们也曾听到过类似针对伊朗裔或其他与中东有学术或个人联系的教师的言论。
In recent weeks, the Berkeley administration has received several reports of negative comments directed at our Chinese-American faculty, as well as at researchers engaged in collaborations with Chinese companies and institutions, implying without basis that these scholars could be acting as spies or otherwise working at odds with the interests of the United States. We have heard reports of similar messages directed at Iranian-American faculty and others with academic or personal ties to the Middle East.
Let us be clear that comments of this sort breed hurt and distrust, discriminate against members of our community, and run counter to our well-established Principles of Community. At a time when national security issues involving foreign countries make the front pages of our newspapers, it is critical that we not become any less welcoming to students, staff, faculty, visiting scholars, and other members of our community who come from those countries, or for whom those countries are an ancestral home. As California’s own dark history teaches us, an automatic suspicion of people based on their national origin can lead to terrible injustices.
We therefore write to reaffirm that Berkeley remains open to people from all over the world, and ask that you continue to make all members of our community feel welcome and respected. In this regard, please be mindful that even off-hand remarks made in jest can be harmful to building the inclusive environment we wish to have on campus.
Beyond all this, as a general rule, Berkeley faculty and graduate students do not work with sensitive technological secrets or sensitive knowledge. Since the 1930s, University of California policy has made it clear that campuses will not engage in any research whose results cannot be openly and publicly disseminated.
如果您对于与加州大学伯克利分校一同进行研究的合作伙伴有任何疑问,请发送邮件到 vcr@berkeley.edu 并联系研究副校长办公室。再次感谢您为使伯克利校园成为一个能让所有社区成员感到被欢迎的地方所做的努力。
If you have concerns about any aspects of the research partnerships taking place at Berkeley, we encourage you to contact the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research at vcr@berkeley.edu. Thank you for endeavoring to make our campus a place where all members of our community feel welcome.

Carol Christ

Paul Alivisatos
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Randy Katz
Vice Chancellor for Research



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