時間:05/06/2019 瀏覽: 1579

It’s been a week since Jesus has risen from the dead. He has resurrected and appeared to his Blessed Mother Mary, Mary Magdalen, the apostles including Thomas who doubted that He had indeed resurrected on the third day after his death on the cross, until Jesus appeared to him and showed him his wounds, whereupon Thomas knelt down and said “My Lord and my God.”

Hundreds of people saw the resurrected Jesus mingle among the crowds in Jerusalem. Pontius Pilate heard rumors that the body of Jesus was no longer in his tomb that was sealed by a huge rock. So he investigated what happened by questioning the Roman guards who were posted outside his tomb. The guards could not believe what they saw: An angel from heaven pushed open the rock, which sealed the tomb, and they saw Jesus walk out of the tomb with the angel amidst bright lights.

After Jesus appeared to all the people that he wanted to show himself to, he told the apostles to spread the good news that He had conquered death thus guaranteeing that those who believed in Him would go to heaven and enjoy eternal life there with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, just as He had foretold. So, rejoice in this great news! Rejoice for death is not the end, but the beginning of new and eternal life, and Jesus, our Lord and Savior submitted and followed the divine will of his Father, to make this come to reality with His death on the cross, because they loved us so!

Just imagine if Jesus had not died for us. After dying, we would either end up in hell or in hades, which is the gates of hell, forever, instead of having the opportunity to spend eternity in heaven with our God! But, since we still have free will, the choice is still ours to make. Enter heaven or go to hades or hell for eternity. I hope you make the right choice because there are people who actually prefer to go to hell and spend eternity in a very, very hot place with Lucifer. That’s the dumbest choice that you can make. I share the good news with you and hope you make the right choice in your life.

So client comes to see me and explains that her mortgage payment to the bank has been returned. She asks me why. I said, “ I don’t know, I’m not your bank, but let’s figure out why they probably returned it.” I asked her if she only owes one payment. She said no. I asked her how much arrears she owes the bank. She said $50K. I asked why? She said she hasn’t been able to pay for six months because of a family emergency. I asked her if she wanted to keep her house. She said yes.

I asked her if she received by certified mail a NOTICE OF DEFAULT from the bank? I said that’s a letter from the bank, with a recording date that says the bank has decided to initiate foreclosure proceedings and that you have 90 days to cure your default of $50K. She said she received a notice of certified mail but had not yet gone to the post office to pick it up. I said that notice of default is the reason why the bank will no longer take your mortgage payment. Your bank has decided to foreclose your house and you will have 90 days to pay the entire default of $50K, plus of course, the current mortgage that accrues. If you don’t do this, the bank will send you another notice, which says NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE. That means 90 days from the recording date has elapsed, plus at least another 21 days has elapsed and the bank will sell your house to the highest bidder. The sale proceeds will be used to pay off your mortgager, and the rest of the money will be given to you, if there is any left.

I said if you want to save your house, you can file Chapter 13 where you can pay off the arrears of $50K in 60 months over a period of 5 years. I asked her if she owed anything else. She said she owes another $40K of credit cards, which she is also unable to pay. In her case, in Chapter 13, she doesn’t have to pay any part of the $40K. If she completes the 60 plan payments to pay off the arrears of $50K owed on her mortgage, she will be back to current status on her mortgage, she will owe zero on her $40K of credit cards and the $40K will be discharged by the court. So she saves her house and starts fresh with no credit card debt.

She says, “Yes, I want to file Chapter 13 to save my house and get rid of my credit card debt.” I ask her if she has a job and how much she makes. She says she makes $80K as a registered nurse, but her husband is self-employed as an UBER driver. I said, “Ok, you should be able to qualify and complete Chapter 13, let’s do it.”

If you need relief from debt, set an appointment to see me and I will analyze your case personally. Chapter 7 will give you a fresh start in life without accumulated debt while allowing you to keep all of your assets through a system of exemptions under the law. Without accumulated debt, you will become productive again. This is why Walt Disney filed for Chapter 7 twice before Disneyland became successful. Many famous and wealthy people have found success in life after having a fresh start through Chapter 7. After Chapter 7 you can become as wealthy as Walt Disney, a billionaire with a worldwide business empire. Yes, this is absolutely true.

Chapter 13 will allow you to save your house if you are behind on payments, among other uses. You can also use it to pay a portion of what you owe in unsecured debt, like credit card debt, or pay nothing on your credit cards, like my client above.


Lawrence B. Yang is a graduate of Georgetown University with a Master’s Degree in Law and specializes in bankruptcy, business, real estate and civil litigation.  He speaks English, Mandarin and Fujien and has successfully represented thousands of clients in California, including companies overseas. Please call Angie, Barbara, or Jess at (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 1000 S. Fremont Ave., MAILSTOP 58 BUILDING A-1 SUITE 1125, Alhambra, CA 91803 OR at 20274 Carrey Road, Walnut, CA 91789.



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