【中秋】美佛寺中秋賞月會 - 佛法接心 | Mid-Autumn Moon Festival Celebration

生活 時間:09/10/2019 瀏覽: 3703

諸位護法居士 (Dear fellow disciples)

海上生明月,天涯共此時。適逢中秋佳節,美佛寺敬邀您於八月十五這個團圓之日,來本寺參加中秋賞月會 - 佛法接心。歡迎您和您的家人朋友前來與我們一起共賞明月。

The moon rises above the sea, and everyone in the world celebrates this moment together. In the Mid Autumn Festival, American Buddhist Fellowship hereby invites you to join us in the reunion on August 15th. You may bring your family and friends to come and join us in admiring the bright moon.

美佛寺 釋性仁 合十 (Ven. Xingren Shi)


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