Rendering aerial ng SoFi Stadium
Rendering ng Pechanga Founders Club
【SoFi體育館】及【好萊塢公園】正式宣佈「大莊家賭場度假村」成為其最新的創始合作夥伴。可容納七萬個座位的全新體育場館及佔地面積達298英畝的公園園區由【洛杉磯公羊隊】擁有人及主席斯坦利·科朗基 (E.Stanley Kroenke) 興建。作為這份全面協議的一項內容,由魯瑟諾印第安人中的Pechanga族人擁有並經營「大莊家賭場度假村」將正式成為【公羊隊】、【閃電隊】、【SoFi體育館】及【好萊塢公園】官方的加州博彩娛樂場的合作夥伴。「大莊家」也因此成為首家總部位於南加州並宣佈與【SoFi體育館】及【好萊塢公園】達成贊助協議的公司。
「能夠成為閃電隊及公羊隊的合作夥伴,並成為SoFi體育館的一份子,我們感到萬分榮幸和激動,」部族主席Mark Macarro先生表示:「這不僅是一座洛杉磯本土的體育場館,更是南加州地區的體育場館,無論過去、現在還是未來,南加州始終是我們的家園。而今天,我們由衷自豪地宣佈出資捐款為本地區學生及需要幫助的人提供幫助。」
「我們將建成一座世界頂尖的體育賽事及現場娛樂勝地,」SoFi體育館及好萊塢公園總經理Jason Gannon先生繼續說。「『大莊家』不僅在建造世界級場館及球迷優先型園區的理念上與斯坦·科朗基 (Stan Kroenke) 不謀而合,更與我們有著同樣的回饋周邊社區的熱忱。明年7月份我們正式開幕運營之際,我們將萬分期待與『大莊家』共同合作,為客人打造難忘的娛樂體驗,並更加努力地回饋我們在南加州共同的家園。」
「大莊家」將在新建的體育場館各個區域獲得隨處可見的醒目標示,在2020年7月SoFi體育館正式運營之際,場館內將涵蓋多個以「大莊家」命名的活動空間,其中包括「大莊家」Founders Club。「大莊家」Founders Club是體育場館內一間佔地14,000平方呎的高級俱樂部活動空間,位置與球場齊平。俱樂部範圍內將充分展現創意獨到的「大莊家」品牌形象,而在此觀看比賽的觀眾也可近距離將賽事情況全方位一覽無餘。
「我們很榮幸能夠成為南加州首家與SoFi體育館及好萊塢公園達成創建夥伴協議的公司。」「大莊家」發展集團總裁Jared Munoa先生談到。「這項合作夥伴關係在南加州兩家頂級娛樂場所之間可為來得自然。我們迫切期待球迷們可以早日前來體驗「大莊家」Founders Club及體育場館內更多其他世界級的服務設施。」
來臨SoFi體育館的球迷們將與「大莊家」的主打品牌進行全方位及各層次的親密接觸,其中包括位於場館第8層的11,500平方呎體驗區。該體驗區將提供「大莊家」專屬的為客人進行的品牌展示及深入體驗的機會。「大莊家」與【洛杉磯湖人隊】及【洛杉磯天使隊】保持著長期的夥伴關係,並擁有聖地牙哥Pechanga Arena的命名權。
「『大莊家』對長久以來在保持業界最佳博彩娛樂/度假村品牌形象的同時孜孜不倦地致力於回饋社區,而這正是我們在尋求創建夥伴時最為看重的品質,」閃電隊商務運營總裁A.G. Spanos先生表示。「當一家公司在時時刻刻力爭業界最佳的同時還能始終不忘自身在社區中的責任,堅持回饋本土 — 這正是我們所期待的企業聯合最為成功的典範。我們無比榮幸地歡迎『大莊家』成為閃電家族新的成員。」
「我們很榮幸地延續了與「大莊家」的合作關係並期待在不久的將來搬遷至SoFi體育館的新辦公地點,」 洛杉磯公羊隊首席運營官Kevin Demoff先生表示。「自從去年夏天雙方建立了合作關係以來,事實證明『大莊家』和公羊隊擁有許多共同的經營理念,無論是為客人提供無與倫比的娛樂體驗還是為將本地社區變得更加美好而努力。我們期待繼續與『大莊家』合作,不僅為洛杉磯人,也是為南加州地區的人們帶來努力奮鬥、展現自我的靈感。」
【Legends全球夥伴關係部】(Legends Global Partnerships division)代表【好萊塢公園】,獲取、談判及實現了這項合作協議。
「大莊家賭場度假村」為美國其中之一間最大規模及提供最尊貴的賭場度假體驗。榮獲USA Today 讀者票選為全美最佳賭場第一名。並自2002年起一直被AAA評為四鑽級酒店,無論是日間玩樂還是豪華住宿,「大莊家賭場度假村」總會帶給您無與倫比的悠閒度假環境,擁有超過5,000多部角子老虎機,賭桌娛樂,頂級娛樂節目, 1,090間豪華酒店套房及客房,星級餐飲食府,享受水療護理讓您煥發身心,以及世界錦標賽級的Journey高爾夫球場。「大莊家賭場度假村」致力滿足客人及社區的需求,並與時俱進超越期許。魯瑟諾印第安人中的Pechanga族人擁有並經營「大莊家賭場度假村」。更多詳情,請致電免費專線(877) 711-2946,或瀏覽。點擊喜歡「大莊家賭場度假村」Facebook網頁( ,以及Twitter@PechangaCasino。
【SoFi體育館】是【洛杉磯公羊隊】及【洛杉磯閃電隊】的新主場,位於佔地298英畝的【好萊塢公園】內。【好萊塢公園】由【洛杉磯公羊隊】擁有人及主席斯坦利·科朗基 (E.Stanley Kroenke) 在加州Inglewood市興建,旨在將其打造為世界及比賽及休閒娛樂勝地。佔地達三百一十萬平方呎的【SoFi體育館】將是美國職業橄欖球聯盟(NFL)中規模最大的場館,也是首座同時包含室內及室外區域的球場。場館可容納約70,000名觀眾,更可擴展至100,000個座位,其中包含260間豪華貴賓廂房及13,000餘個貴賓席位。【SoFi體育館】已成功獲得2022年第52屆超級碗(Super Bowl LVI),2023年全美大學生橄欖球錦標賽,及2028年奧運會開幕式及閉幕式的主辦權。與體育場相鄰的是2.5英畝的美國航空廣場及可容納6,000座位的演出場館。【好萊塢公園】預計將容納逾一百五十萬平方呎的零售及辦公地方區域,2,500名住戶,一間酒店及逾20英畝公園區域。如欲瞭解關於【SoFi體育館】的更多詳情,請瀏覽 或登錄 Instagram及 Twitter @SoFiStadium。
Pechanga Tribe Announces $100,000 in Grants for Inglewood Educational
and Non-Profit Organizations
Pechanga Resort Casino is SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park’s First Founding Partner
Headquartered in Southern California
Rendering aerial of SoFi Stadium
Rendering of Pechanga Founders Club
SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park officially announced Pechanga Resort Casino as its newest Founding Partner of the new 70,000-seat stadium and 298-acre development being built by Rams Owner/Chairman E. Stanley Kroenke. As a part of this expansive agreement, Pechanga Resort Casino, owned and operated by the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians, will be the official California casino partner of the Rams, Chargers, SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park. Pechanga is the first Southern California-headquartered company to announce a sponsorship with SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park.
“We are thrilled to partner with the Chargers and the Rams, and to be a part of SoFi Stadium,” said Tribal Chairman Mark Macarro. “This isn’t just a Los Angeles stadium, it’s a Southern California stadium, and Southern California has always been and will always be our home. We are especially proud to be able to help local students and people in need with the grants we announced today.”
In honor of the holiday season and as a new member of the Inglewood community, Pechanga tribal leadership is donating $100,000 to Morningside High School in Inglewood and the Inglewood chapters of non-profits School on Wheels and U.S. Vets. This donation will be announced today at the stadium site, when Pechanga, SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park, Rams and Chargers host a complimentary shopping experience for 50 homeless and/or at-risk veterans through U.S. Vets to give them needed items ahead of the holidays. The vets will receive items such as blankets, socks, umbrellas, hats and more. Pechanga’s efforts in Inglewood echo the millions of dollars the casino/resort has given over the years to the local communities it is involved in throughout the Southern California region.
“We are building a global destination that will be the pinnacle of sports and live entertainment,” said Jason Gannon, managing director, SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park. “Pechanga is a company that not only shares Stan Kroenke’s vision to build a world-class facility and fan-first development with Hollywood Park, but also shares our passion for our surrounding communities. When our doors open in July, we look forward to working alongside Pechanga to create memorable guest moments and to give back to our Southern California home.”
Pechanga will have an extensive presence across the stadium, and when SoFi Stadium opens in July 2020, it will feature select Pechanga-branded spaces, including the Pechanga Founders Club. Pechanga Founders Club is a 14,000 square-foot premium club space within the stadium that is located on field level. The space will be creatively branded throughout, and guests will be up close to all the action happening on the field.
“We are proud to be the first Southern California-based Founding Partner with SoFi Stadium and Hollywood Park,” said Jared Munoa, President of the Pechanga Development Corporation. “This is a natural partnership between two of the top entertainment destinations in Southern California. We can’t wait for fans to experience the new Pechanga Founders Club and a lot of the other great amenities here.”
Fans coming to SoFi Stadium will interact with the major resort/casino’s brand across many areas and levels of the stadium, including an 11,500 square-foot activation zone on level 8. The activation zone will provide special branding and experiential opportunities for Pechanga to utilize for guests. Pechanga has longstanding partnerships with the Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Angels and has naming rights with the Pechanga Arena in San Diego.
“Pechanga’s commitment to serving the community while striving to maintain its reputation as a best in class resort/casino is exactly what you hope for when it comes to a Founding Partner,” said Chargers President of Business Operations A.G. Spanos. “To have someone who competes each and every day to be the very best within their industry yet understands their place in the community comes with a responsibility to give back – that’s everything you can ask for when it comes to corporate alignment. We couldn’t be happier to welcome Pechanga to the Chargers family.”
Pechanga will also entitle one of the stadium’s four VIP entrances. The resort/casino will have certain wayfinding signage and brand integration in and around its entitled VIP entrance.
“We are pleased to continue our relationship with Pechanga and move together into our new home at SoFi Stadium,” said Los Angeles Rams COO Kevin Demoff. “Since kicking off our partnership last summer, it has been evident that Pechanga and the Rams share many of the same values, whether it is delivering an unparalleled guest experience or making a difference in our community. We look forward to continuing to work with Pechanga to inspire not only Angelenos but also all those across Southern California to shine bright.”
Hollywood Park was represented by Legends Global Partnerships division, which sourced, negotiated and represented Hollywood Park in securing this partnership.
About Pechanga Resort Casino
Pechanga Resort Casino offers one of the largest and most expansive resort/casino experiences anywhere in the United States. Voted the number one casino in the country by USA Today and rated a Four Diamond property by AAA since 2002, Pechanga Resort & Casino provides an unparalleled getaway, whether for the day or for an extended luxury stay. Offering more than 5,000 of the hottest slots, table games, world-class entertainment, 1,090 hotel rooms, dining, spa and golf at Journey at Pechanga, Pechanga Resort & Casino features a destination that meets and exceeds the needs of its guests and the community. Pechanga Resort & Casino is owned and operated by the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians. For more information, call toll free (877) 711-2946 or visit Follow Pechanga Resort & Casino on Facebook and on Twitter @PechangaCasino.
About SoFi Stadium
SoFi Stadium, the new home of the Los Angeles Rams and Los Angeles Chargers, is located at Hollywood Park, a 298-acre global sports and entertainment destination being developed by Los Angeles Rams Owner/Chairman E. Stanley Kroenke in Inglewood, Calif. The 3.1 million square-foot SoFi Stadium is the largest stadium in the NFL, as well as the first indoor-outdoor stadium. It seats approximately 70,000, expandable up to 100,000, with more than 260 luxury suites and more than 13,000 premium seats. SoFi Stadium has already secured Super Bowl LVI in 2022, the College Football National Championship Game in 2023, and the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Olympic Games in 2028. Adjacent to the stadium and sitting under the same roof canopy is the 2.5-acre American Airlines Plaza and a 6,000-seat performance venue. Hollywood Park anticipates an initial phase of more than 1.5 million square feet of retail and office space, 2,500 residences, a hotel and more than 20 acres of parks. For more information about SoFi Stadium, visit or @SoFiStadium on Instagram and Twitter.