瀏覽: 7995
截止至3月26日,美国新冠确诊病例达到了81836例,超过中国(81782例)与意大利(80589例),成为全球新冠确诊病例数最多的国家。与此同时,美国的累计死亡数达到1178例。在过去的24小时里,美国新增病例超过17000例。最严重的纽约州,每三天就会经历一次病例数的翻倍。这些数字还在持续不断地变化,所以名次也在不断改变。特朗普在今天的发布会上表示,美国确诊人数的上升是由于检测效率的提高。疫情已经导致美国330万人失业——有史以来失业人数的最高纪录。美国白宫通过了2亿美元的经济刺激计划,将从4月开始陆续发放给民众,成人每人可获得$1200,小孩每人可获得$ 500。看了丧丧的新闻,咱们继续把昨天没发完的餐厅外卖大汇总下篇给附上了,希望大家都能好好呆在家中,熬过艰难的时光。
1600 S. Azusa Ave., #178, City Of Industry, CA 91748地址:501west Garvey ave #1089225 Mira Mesa Blvd., #110, 235 W. Main St., #B, Alhambra, CA 91801
1400 University Ave., #A108, Hacienda Heights CA 91745订餐网址:www.littleskewer.com400 S. Baldwin Ave., Space#2360402 E. Valley Blvd. San Gabriel, CA91776、18207 Gale Ave., City of Industry, CA 91748227 W. Valley Blvd., #128, San Gabriel, CA 91775(626)288-3988
306 N Garfield Avenue A12
Monterey Park, CA 91754
1164 E. Huntington Dr., Duarte, CA 91010地址:9616 Las Tunas Dr. Temple City CA
Rowland Heights, CA 91748Rowland Heights, CA 91748708 E Las Tunas Dr. #4 San Gabriel
地址2:1435 S Baldwin Ave Arcadia 91007外卖方式:Gesoo|功夫外卖 |easi外卖|飞送外卖| Rowland Heights, CA 91748227 W. Valley Blvd., #108B, 电话:626-927-7119,626-300-9937地址:529 E Valley Blvd 138-B
Rowland Heights, CA 91748City of Industry, CA 91748City of Industry, CA 91748电话:6265095188
地址:250 W Valley Blvd Ste B2 San Gabriel CA 91776
外卖平台:Uber Eats、Gesso、
Hungry Panda、DoorDash、
地址:18495 colima Rd #3,4
Rowland heights CA 91748
电话:(626) 269-0842
微信 Ian-Annshao 电话号626-297-3252
Rowland Heights, CA 9174815455 Jeffrey Rd., #300 Irvine, CA 92618APP (开放外卖, 老哥外卖, 伴伴外送, 吃货)127 N. Garfield Ave., #Z, 1217 N. Grand Ave., Walnut, CA 91789Hacienda Heights CA 91745地址: 9814 garvey ave. STE 1. 地址:8526 Valley Boulevard #112,地址1:89 E Green St Pasadena 91105Uber eats,Doordash,Postmates,200 S. San Gabriel Blvd., San Gabriel, CA 91776满30元多加1元可有一份NEW YORK STEAK1324 W. Artesia Blvd., Gardena, CA 90247742 W. Valley Blvd., Alhambra, CA 91803(626) 288-5918
140 w valley blvd #206-207
San Gabriel CA 91776
熊猫外卖, EASI, Ubereat, Doordash,
飞送外卖, Yelp, Grubhub均有派送
17883 Colima Rd., #D, City of Industry, CA 91748自取 APP,3M/$30 UP/
65岁以上免費外送4250 Barranca Pkwy., #Q, Irvine, CA 9260410131 Valley Blvd., El Monte, CA 917315394 Walnut St., #C,D, Irvine, CA 9260418414 Colima Rd., #I, Rowland Heights, CA 91748City of Industry, CA 91748713 W. Duarte Rd., Arcadia, CA 91006地址:100 W Green st,Pasadena,CA 91105
外卖方式:phone order,grubhub,postmate Hour:11:30am-8:00pm for drinks 12:00pm-5:00pm for soufflé pancakes416 E. Las Tunas Dr., San Gabriel, CA 91776500 N. Atlantic Blvd., #C-120, 地址:17110 Colima Rd. Ste B,Hacienda Heights, CA91745外卖方式:Call in/Uber Eats, Easi优惠仅限在Hacienda Heights杏记使用123 Astronaut Ellison S Onizuka St. Ste 101 D
Downtown Los Angeles (小东京)可通过Instagram订餐自取,或者电话订餐自取.