本所以傳統中醫的:望、聞、問、切…. 四診八剛、或病人曾經西醫所做的抽血、CT、生化醫學、影像醫學檢查等总体評估、仍未能釐清或未見良好療效者,我由衷希望能獲得、梁智鈞中醫師(非西醫)更進一步的“全息胚機體能量檢測法" (“Qi/ECIWO Energy Test")此既簡單、安全、快捷、非侵入、無創傷性、無副作用的檢測法(在加州針灸法規#4937-b 明文記載),我願意接受此生物能量、音樂、磁場、氣場信息的診測法;並在下方
Qi manipulation: Itemized as Qi/ECIWO Energy Test. The technique involves the manipulation of Qi with magnets or a magnetic field. The flow of Qi will be tested using the Qi muscle test. The procedure and results have been explained to me by the doctor to my satisfaction. It has been explained to me and I understand that Qi manipulation is an acceptable technique under the California acupuncture practice scope 4937(b). I also understand that I am being provided this additional service is non invasive & has no side effects (Non-traditional methods of Western medicine).