【遺產法】我们为什么要避免遗嘱认证程序 | 杰仕律師事務所

法律 時間:06/28/2021 瀏覽: 3645










1)  费钱。加州允许律师按照您遗产总价值(不是净价值)的一定比例收取律师费。通常称为法定费率。下面是目前的费率规定。

·         10万美金以内的,按4%收取;

·         10万美金以上,20万美金以下的部分,按3%收取;

·         20万美金以上,100万美金以下的部分,按2%收取;

·         100万美金以上,1000万美金以下的部分,按1%收取;

·         1000万美金以上,2500万美金以下的部分,按0.5%收取;

·         超过2500万美金以上的部分,由法院决定。

2)  费时。通常来说,遗嘱认证用在法院时间是一年,甚至两年。在此之前,几乎没有收益人可以获得您的遗产。

3)  公开。遗嘱,是一种私人性很强的文书,通常会包括您的财务状况及家庭情况。一旦经过遗嘱法院的程序后,您的遗嘱作为法庭文件会被公开。

4)  多次遗嘱认证。如果您在加州之外还持有不动产。通常你需要寻求不动产所在地律师的帮助,并在该州同时申请遗嘱认证。






地址:820 South Garfield Ave #102, Alhambra CA 91801  



-      亲属移民(配偶、父母、子女、兄弟姐妹)

-      职业移民(杰出人才,国家利益豁免,L1/EB-1C等)

-      非移民类签证申请、转换、延期(学生身份、H1-bB1/B2等)


-      离婚(简易离婚,单方或协议离婚,有争议离婚)

-      子女(监护权、抚养权、抚养费、收养)

-      财产(婚前婚后财产协议,财产分割)

-      人身禁令


-      财产规划

-      生前信托

-      遗嘱认定  


-      投资协议、公司设立

-      商标注册

-      各类合同

-      常年法律顾问



Why You Should Avoid Probate


What’s probate?


Basically, probate is a judicial process in which the probate court supervises how your estate distributes and guard the interests of both your beneficiaries and your creditors. If you have a will, it’ll be honored; If not, the court will make sure the inheritance follows the statute. 


Under current California Probate Law, if the net worth of your estate is up to $150,000 (include real property value not transferred by other methods), the beneficiaries may get your personal property by a written affidavit; or they may get your real estate if the net worth of your real property is less than $50,000 by a simplified procedure.

It’s simple, right? Unfortunately, it’s not.

What are the main drawbacks of probate?

1)Waste of money. California allows probate attorneys to charge certain percent of your estate value by law. It’s called statutory fee. The following is the current rate.

·         4% of the first $100,000 of the gross value of the probate estate;

·         3% of the next $100,000;

·         2% of the next $800,000;

·         1% of the next $9 million;

·         0.5% of the next $15 million;

·         A reasonable amount (determined by the court) for any amounts higher than $25 million.

2)      Time-consuming. Generally speaking, the whole process may take one year or even two years. Before that, no beneficiaries may get your substantial estate.

3)      Public. Your will-as a personal document, which may reveal your financial and family circumstances, becomes a public record after probate.

4)      Multiple probate proceedings. If you have a real estate outside California, that means you have to seek an out-state attorney and file another probate.


How to avoid probate?


Several methods could be used to avoid probate. Among them, the most common way is to establish a living trust. But the trust isn’t versatile. Dependents on the nature of your property or your will, other methods, such as pay-on-death account, joint tenancy, community property with right of survivorship, name beneficiaries of your life insurance or retirement plan, should also be considered. The whole package, we name it estate planning. Not only it can save your money, that means you could leave more to your loved. But also, it can prevent your family from facing onerous court proceedings.

You may call me at (626)537-1403 to schedule a free consultation for further information.


All right reserved by Law Office of Jason Li. 

820 S. Garfield Ave., #102, Alhambra, CA 91801
