劉莉莎律師Law Office of Lisa Smith荣获LABA Icon Award | 劉莉莎律師

法律 時間:10/11/2021 瀏覽: 3894

Congratulations!! 祝贺我们史密斯律师事务所Law Office of Lisa Smith荣获LABA Icon Award! 感谢LABA Icon Awards Committee,LABA轮值主席英国皇家学会Princess Karen Cantrell,以及给我颁奖的联合国加州主席Barry Simon!这次颁奖典礼明星荟萃,三次荣获格莱美Grammy Award的歌唱家、多次奥斯卡奖得主、美国纪录片协会主席等都在得奖和颁奖嘉宾之列。我们大家熟悉和敬佩的著名国际女性代表Yue-Sai Kan靳羽西老师专程从外州飞来参加颁奖典礼也荣获嘉奖。We had a fantastic and very enjoyable time!


As a founder, I am overwhelmed with gratitude that my law was selected to receive this Icon Award. I’m very honored to have my firm recognized in this way by the LABA Icon Awards Committee. We have successfully represented many famous actors, producers, directors, singers, dancers, artists, athletes, scientists and entrepreneurs, and have made important contributions to cultural, educational, economical, technological and artistic exchanges between China and U.S. … It means so much to me that the work we are so passionate about also resonates with others. … Winning this award wouldn’t be possible without the inspiration and support from my clients, peer colleagues, friends and loving family. I sincerely thank each of them…. I hope this recognition can serve as an inspiration to others in the field. If our work can make a difference, so can yours! … I’m humbled and appreciative. Thank you! 


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