华人工商线上大展 | 庆祝亚太裔美国人传统月

生活 時間:05/09/2022 瀏覽: 3085

为庆祝South Coast Plaza举办的亚裔美国人遗产月,欢迎大家来参加2022 年华人工商线上大展,以促进不同种族背景的多样性和社区聚会。传统上,五月是亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民遗产月,为期一个月的活动旨在表彰其成员对现代美国社会的个人和社区贡献。

2022 年华人工商线上大展以亚洲流行团体、亚洲舞蹈团体、亚洲民族团体、亚洲美食、K-pop 以及许多其他表演和文化的广泛展示拉开庆祝活动的序幕——重点关注“现代的美国亚裔”。

我们很自豪能与 ANIME Impulse, K-PLAY!FEST 和 Sneaker Expo一同制作了这个线上活动。



In celebration of Asian American Islander Pacific Heritage Month presented by South Coast Plaza, Asian American Expo 2022 Virtual welcomes everyone to join us in promoting diversity and community gathering of all ethnic backgrounds. Traditionally May is the the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a months long event recognizing the individual and community contributions of its members to the modern American society. Asian American Expo 2022 Virtual kicks off the celebration with a vast showcase of Asian pop groups, Asian dance groups, Asian ethnic groups, Asian food, K-pop, as well as many other performances and cultures – with a key focus on the ‘Modern Asian in America’. We are proud to partner with ANIME Impulse, K-PLAY! FEST and Sneaker Expo in producing this Virtual Event. Asian American Islander Pacific Heritage Month includes the nations and cultures all over Asia, and Asian American Expo is devoted to creating, promoting and sustaining Asian culture in American society. For More Information https://aaexpo.com https://animeimpulse.com https://kplayfest.com https://sneakerexpo.com #AsianPacificAmericanHeritageMonth #AsianAmericanExpo #AsianAmerican


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