
時間:05/17/2022 瀏覽: 1482




我最近读了一本很棒的书,名叫《一切归结于此》(“ItAll Comes Down to This”),作者是卡伦·英吉利斯(Karen English)。我将用这本书来展示如何写一篇很棒的书评,分为三个段落。老师们可以试一试用这个方法来教学生,你们会惊叹最终的效果的。

1. 与个人联系起来


WhenI was 12 years old, I remember the first time I realized my parents were just people. It’s always a bit of a disheartening, coming of age moment, isn’t it?My mom was mad at my dad for something. This wasn’t unusual, as they had been divorced since I was four. On this day, though, my mom told me that she thought my dad’s wife dressed poorly. “Imagine,” she said, “wearing black socks with sandals. Ridiculous.” At an earlier age I might have incorporated this comment into my mental list of don’ts about dressing, but at 12 I knew it meant something bigger.


My mother didn’t want me to like Alice. She was just like any other friend who might tell me something about another girl to ensure her friendship with me.This kind of more grown up thinking is the start of adulthood. In It All Comes Down to This by Karen English, Sophie discovers that her father may be seeing another woman behind her mother’s back.She also realizes that she may have to spend her entire life being accused ofthings she didn’t do just because of the color of her skin. These arethe discoveries that bring Sophie headlong into the start of adulthood.Following along as someone bridges the gap between being a child and being anadult is fascinating because there isn’t a soul out there who hasn’t had thosemoments.


2. 故事的摘要


It’s1965, Los Angeles. All 12-year-old Sophie wants to do is write her book and hang out with her friend Jennifer. But she’s the new black kid in a nearly all-white neighborhood; her beloved sister, Lily, is going away to college soon; and her parents’ marriage is rocky. There’s also her family’s new housekeeper to deal with. When riots erupt in nearby Watts and a friend is unfairly arrested, Sophie learns that life—and her own place in it—is even more complicated than she’d once thought.


3. 与更大的世界联系起来


I’m a 48-year-old white woman who grew up in New York City with ahousekeeper/nanny who was African American. Margaret was the light of mychildhood. She talked to my mother when I couldn’t say what needed to be said.She bought me a blue jar of Noxema and showed me how to wash my face atnight. She made fried chicken every Friday afternoon before she went home forthe weekend. Sophie, the main character in It All Comes Down to This by Karen English had a housekeeper too. Thedifference is that Sophie and Mrs. Baylor are both black.


This book made me want to hear other African American voices andbe wide open to really listening. This book speaks to coming of age, but alsoto coming to understand how race changes the way we live in our world. As aresult of reading English’s book, I ordered several other books about and byAfrican Americans.




原文出自网站We AreTeachers, “How I Teach Kids to Write Strong Book Reviews Using 3 SimpleSteps”。


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