【法律】 遺產規劃線上講座 免費參加 | 智承法律事務所

法律 時間:02/21/2023 瀏覽: 10443
智承法律事務所 教您用正確的遺產規劃省下最多的錢和煩惱,將您的愛傳得越深越遠!

二月是個充滿愛的月份. 在大家過完了浪漫的情人節後,我們在周三,二月二十二號呈現我們的 "真愛守則" 講座,教大家如何利用法律來表達對家人的愛與關懷-用最實際的方法做出保障和承諾. 聽完講座後,您會知道如何用最省錢的方式付出比一生一世更深遠的愛與傳承!

愛就是要..... 不離不棄
遺產規劃線上講座  上官網或掃QR Code 免費參加

Sage Legacy Law presents "Code to Everlasting Love" Estate Planning Seminar

Love is still in the air..... After that universal romantic day, Sage Legacy Law presents this webinar for you to create your own love language for your family. Learn why you should set up your family trust to provide everlasting love and care for your loved ones! 2.23.2023.

Our language of love is to help as many families set up their financial and estate plans so all family members are loved and protected no matter what happens.  We sincerely invite you to join us in our webinar to learn about what kind of protection you can set in place for your family during and after your lifetime.  67% of all Americans do not have any estate plan.  Show your love and get ahead of the game!

See attached flyer or sign up for our webinar at www.sagelegacylaw.com.
