Single Net Lease、Double Net Lease及Triple Net Lease的区别是什么?
在不动产的租赁中,有三种不同的租赁方式,我们来介绍一下都是哪三种方式及有什么不同。三种租赁方式是指不同类型的租赁,英文称之为Single Net、Double Net 及Triple Net Lease。首先我们要了解什么是Net Lease:
Net Lease——The term net lease refers to a contractual agreement where a lessee pays a portion or all of the taxes, insurance fees, and maintenance costs for a property in addition to rent. Net leases are commonly used in commercial real estate.):
根据这类租赁合同,房客在支付固定月租后,还要负担一部分费用。这类租约按承担费用的范围:维护费、税费及保险,分为三种:单净租赁(Single Net Lease)、双净租赁(Double Net Lease)和三净租赁(Triple Net Lease)。
◆ 单净租赁(Single Net Lease——A single net lease is a commercial real estate lease agreement in which the tenant agrees to pay property taxes in addition to rent. ): 房客只支付房租和房产税。
◆ 双净租赁(Double Net Lease——A double net lease is a rental agreement whereby the tenant agrees to cover the costs of two of the three primary property expenses: taxes, utilities, or insurance premiums.):房客要支付房租、水电费、房产税和保险。
◆ 三净租赁(Triple Net Lease——A triple net lease (triple-net or NNN) is a lease agreement on a property whereby the tenant or lessee promises to pay all the expenses of the property, including real estate taxes, building insurance, and maintenance.):房客除要支付房租、房产税、保险外,还要支付日常维护修理费用。
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