本寺將于9月8、9和10日啟建盂蘭盆中元普渡地藏誕法會(日期和時間詳見海報)。想要報名超薦歷代祖先、累劫冤親債主、墮胎嬰靈等等,敬請跟本寺聯系。為了陰陽不混淆,報名格式請寫:陽上 X X X 超薦 X X X。本次法會超薦免費,歡迎大家隨喜隨緣供佛、供僧和施棺,感恩大家慈悲分享,廣結法緣!阿彌陀佛!
A.B.F will hold a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Dharma Services in the temple on September 8-10. For those who are interested to participate, please contact us for registration. Amitabha!
本 寺 地 址:1032 S. 1st Street, Alhambra, CA 91801, U.S.A.
支 票 抬 頭:American Buddhist Fellowship (略寫 initial: A.B.F.)