美佛寺啟建孝親報恩、冥陽兩利梁皇大法會 歡迎善男信女同修福慧| 美佛寺

生活 時間:06/14/2024 瀏覽: 6043
諸位護法居士: 茲逢2024年孝道月,慎終追遠,提倡孝道,本寺謹遵佛制,將於國曆7月25、26、27、28啟建孝親報恩、冥陽兩利梁皇大法會四永日,圓滿日舉辦《三時系念佛事》一堂。每日諷經禮懺加持神咒,敬備酥酡妙供,上供十方三寶,超度先靈同登佛國,普願本寺信眾,咸獲佛光庇照,增福延壽。法會期間,敬設消災、超薦壇位,敬請護法盡早登記消災、超薦牌位。梁皇寶懺作為懺中之王,法會功德最為不可思議,歡迎善男信女報名參加,同修福慧,共證菩提!詳細信息、功德項目和時間,請見附件海報,阿彌陀佛! A.B.F. will hold an Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony on July 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th, 2024. Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony is one of the biggest ceremonies in Buddhism. Its aim is to propagate the virtues of filial piety and gratitude, merits will be transferred for the well-being and prosperity of all followers for world peace, harmony and happiness. Emperor Liang Repentance is considered as the supreme Repentance among all Buddhist repentance texts. It benefits both the living and the deceased.
本寺地址:1032 S. 1st Street,  Alhambra, CA 91801, U.S.A.
支票抬頭:American Buddhist Fellowship (略寫 initial: A.B.F.)
咨詢電話/Zelle Pay :626-213 4563
網       址:meifotemple.org
查詢郵件:ABF@meifotemple.org或者 meifotemple@gmail.com
美佛寺 釋性仁 合十 Namaste, Amitabha!


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