
教育 時間:10/29/2024 瀏覽: 738

UAAA is extremely grateful to Shiow Hsieh, Rueyin Chiou, and Orion Abacus for hosting such an incredible event and inviting UAAA to be part of it!  A huge thank you to the UAAA representatives— Melinda An, our vice President, and Alec Chen, our Financial Director—  who attended and contributed to making this event a success. Your participation means so much!  

We are also thrilled to recognize and celebrate our three outstanding competitors—Kyle Yang, Dylan Yang, and Viki Zheng! Your achievements are truly inspiring, and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you’ll continue to accomplish.  

Thank you again to everyone involved for your time, dedication, and energy. Here's to more exciting collaborations and successes ahead! 

美國珠心算聯合會非常感謝寰宇珠算學會謝會長與美國心算聯盟邱會長邀請參加由兩個學會主辦如此精彩的 MMGO世界國際比賽, 也非常感謝美國珠心算聯合會副會長安錡和財務總監陳聖牧代表出席了參加這次的活動。

*恭喜*美國珠心算聯合會三位代表選手Kyle Yang Dylan Yang 和 Viki Zheng在此次比賽中成績表現優異


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