1. Please raise your right hand.
2. Do you swear that all your statements are true and correct?
3. You may have a seat.
4. May I see your Green Card, California ID Card or Driver License?
5. Do you understand what you have written on your application?
第一部份 (Part 1)
第三部份 (Part 3)
第四部份 (Part 4)
第五部份 (Part 5)
第六部份 (Part 6)
第七部份 (Part 7)
第八部份 (Part 8)
第九部份 (Part 9)
第十部份 (Part 10)
Oh, say can you see,
By the dawn early light,
What so proudly we hailed,
At the twilight last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
Through the perilous fight,
O e the ramparts we watched,
Were so gallantly streaming.
And the rockets? red glare,
The bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night,
That our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O r the land of the free,
And the home of the brave?
問: Who said, ive me liberty or give me death?? 誰說的「不自由,毋寧死」?
答: Patrick Henry. 帕翠克‧亨利
問: Why did the Pilgrims come to America? 清教徒為甚麼要來到美國?
答: To gain religious freedom. 為了獲得宗教自由
問: When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? 獨立宣言何時被採用?
答: July 4, 1776. / 1776 年7 月4 日
問: What is the national anthem of the United States? 美國國歌歌名叫甚麼?
答: The Star-Spangled Banner. 燦爛的星條旗
問: Who wrote The Star-Spangled Banner?誰寫的美國國歌?
答: Francis Scott Key. 法蘭西斯‧斯寇特‧金
問: What is the minimum voting age in the United States? 美國最低的選舉年齡是多少?
答: 18 years old, 18 歲
問: Who signs bills into law? 誰簽署法律?
答: The President. 美國總統
問: What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? 解放宣言起到甚麼作用?
答: It freed the slaves. 它解放了黑奴
問: Which President is called the Father of our Country? 哪位總統被稱為國父?
答: George Washington. 喬治‧華盛頓
問: Which President was the first Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Army and Navy?
答: George Washington. 喬治‧華盛頓
問: What were the 13 original states of the United States called before they were states?
答: Colonies. 殖民地
問: What group has the power to declare war? 哪個團體有權力宣戰?
答: Congress. 國會
問: Name the amendments that guarantee or ad-dress voting rights. 修正案裏保障選舉權的有哪幾條
答: 15th, 19th, 24th, 26th . 第15,19,24,26 條.
問: Whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
答: All the people living in the United States. 所有居住在美國的人民
問: What is the introduction to the Constitution called? 介紹憲法的那一部分叫甚麼?
答: The preamble. 前言
問: Who meets in the U.S. Capitol building? 誰在國會大廈開會?
答: Congress. 國會
問: Name one right or freedom guaranteed by the first amendment. 最初的修正案所保障的權力是甚麼答: The rights of freedom, of speech, of religion, of assembly. 言論自由,宗教信仰自由,集會自由。
問: Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the United States military? 誰是美國軍隊的總司令?
答: The President. 總統
問: In what month is the new President inaugu-rated? 新總統在哪一個月就職?
答: January. 在一月
問: What are the two major political parties in 2. the United States today?
答: Democratic and Republican. 民主黨和共和黨
問: Where does freedom of speech come from? 言論自由是出自哪一個條款?
答: The Bill of Rights. 民權法案
問: What Immigration and Naturalization Service form is used to apply for naturalized citizenship? 申請入籍要填寫的表格是甚麼?
答: Form N-400 (Application for Naturalization) ,N-400 表(入籍申請)
問: Name one purpose of the United Nations. 請講出聯合國的目的。
答: For countries to discuss and try to resolve World problems or to provide economic aid to many countries. 讓世界各國在一起討論和解決問題,並給許多國家提供經濟援助。
問: Name one benefit of being a citizen of the United States. 請講出成為美國公民的益處。
答: To obtain Federal Government jobs, to travel with a U.S. passport, or to petition for close relatives to come to the United States to live. 可以得到聯邦政府的工作,可以用美國護 照旅行,可以申請親屬來美國居住。
問: What is the most important right granted to United States citizens? 美國公民的最重要的權力是甚麼?
答: The right to vote. 選舉權
問: What is the White House? 白宮是作甚麼用的?
答: The President official home. 美國總統辦公的地方
問: How did America win its freedom? 美國如何得到自由?
答: By winning the revolutionary war. 贏得革命戰爭的勝利。
問: Independence Day celebrates independence from whom? 獨立日慶祝的是從哪個國家獲得的獨立?
答: England 英國
問: What country did we fight during the revolutionary war? 在革命戰爭中我們和哪個國家作戰?
答: England. 英國。
問: What was the result of the revolutionary war? 革命戰爭的結果如何?
答: The 13 colonies got their independence. 13 個殖民地獲得獨立。
問: Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? 誰寫獨立宣言?
答: Thomas Jefferson. 湯姆斯‧傑佛遜。
問: Who discovered America and when? 誰發現美洲大陸?什麼時候?
答: Columbus discovered America in 1492. 在1492 年哥倫布發現美洲大陸。
問: Who helped the Pilgrims in America?是誰在美洲幫助清教徒?
答: The American Indians (Native Americans). 美洲印第安人( 美洲原住民) 。
問: What is the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to America? 清教徒來美洲所乘的船,船名是什麼?
答: The Mayflower. 五月花。
問: What is the date of Independence Day? 獨立日是那一天?
答: July 4th 7 月4 日
問: What is the 4th of July? 7 月4 日是什麼日子?
答: Independence Day. 獨立日。
問: What holiday was celebrated for the first time by the American colonists? 美洲殖民者第一次慶祝的節日是什麼?
答: Thanksgiving. 感恩節。
問: When and where was the Declaration of Independence signed? 何時何地簽署獨立宣言?
答: July 4th, 1776 in Philadelphia. 1776 年7 月4 日在費城。
問: What is the basic belief of the Declaration of Independence? 獨立宣言基本信念是什麼?
答: That all men are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
問: What are the colors of American flag? 美國國旗是什麼顏色?
答: Red, white and blue. 紅色、白色和藍色。
問: What does each color represent on the American flag? 美國國旗的每一個顏色代表什麼?
答: Red stands for courage, white stands for truth, and blue stands for justice. 紅色代表勇敢、白色代表誠實、藍色代 表公正。
問: How many stars are there on the American flag? 美國國旗上有多少顆星?
答: 50, 50 顆
問: What do the stars on the flag mean? 國旗上的星是什麼意義?
答: One for each state in the Union. 每一顆星代表聯邦的一個州。
問: What color are the stars on our flag? 我們的國旗上的星是什麼顏色?
答: White. 白色。
問: How many stripes are there on the flag? 國旗上有多少條紋?
答: 13, 13 條
問: What do the stripes on the flag mean? 國旗上的條紋有什麼意義?
答: They represent the original thirteen states. 它們代表最初的13 個州。
問: What colors are the stripes? 這些條紋是什麼顏色?
答: Red and white. 紅色與白色。
問: How many states are there in the Union? 聯邦現在有多少個州?
答: 50, 50 個州。
問: What are the 49th and 50th states of the Union? 聯邦的第49 和第50 州是那兩個州?
答: Alaska and Hawaii. 阿拉斯加州和夏威夷。
問: What is the highest law in America? 美國的最高法律是什麼?
答: The Constitution. 憲法。
問: What is the Constitution? 憲法是什麼?
答: The supreme law of the land. 國家的最高法律。
問: What are the three principles of the Constitution? 憲法的三個主要原則是什麼?
答: Liberty, equality and justice. 自由、平等及公正。
問: Can the Constitution be changed? 憲法可以修改嗎?
答: Yes. 是的
問: In what year was the Constitution written? 憲法是何年修定的?
答: 1787, 1787 年修定的。
問: What do we call changes to the Constitution? 憲法的修改叫什麼?
答: Amendments. 修正案。
問: What is an amendment? 何謂修正案?
答: An amendment is a change or an addition to the constitution. 修正案是對憲法的修改或補充。
問: How many amendments are there? 憲法一共有多少修正案?
答: Twenty-seven. 27 個
問: What do we call the first ten amendments? 最初的十條修正案被稱為什麼?
答: The Bill of Rights. 民權法案。
問: What is the Bill of Rights? 民權法案是什麼?
答: The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution.憲法中最初的十條修正案。
問: What are the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution? 憲法中最初的十條修正案的內容為何?
答: Freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, right to a jury trial, peaceful assembly, etc. 言論自由、出版自由、宗教信仰自由, 要求陪審團審判權及和平集會等。
問: Where does freedom of speech come from? 言論自由是出自哪一個條款?
答: The Bill of Rights 民權法案。
問: What is the 13th amendment? 第13 修正案是什麼?
答: Free the slaves. 解放黑奴。
問: What is the 19th amendment? 第19 修正案是什麼?
答: Women can vote. 婦女有選舉權。
問: What is the 26th amendment? 第26 修正案是什麼?
答: Citizens over Eighteen years old can vote. 年滿18 歲以上的公民有選舉權。
問: Does the President sign amendments? 修正案必須總統簽名嗎?
答: No, the amendment are not submitted to him. 不需要,修正案不呈交總統簽名。
問: What kind of government do we have? 美國政府是何種政體?
答: Republic. 共和政體
問: What is a republic? 何謂共和政體?
答: A government elected by the people. 由人民選舉的政體
問: How many branches does the United States government have? 美國政府有多少部門?
答: Three branches. 三個部門
問: What are the three branches? 它們是哪三個部門?
答: Legislative, Executive and Judicial. 立法部門、行政部門及司法部門。
問: What is the check and balance system? 何謂牽制和協調制度?
答: Three branches of the government check each other and keep balance of power. 政府的三大部門之間彼此牽制,以保持權力平衡。
問: What does each branch do? 各部門主要工作是甚麼?
答: The Legislative branch makes the law. The Executive branch enforces the law. The Judicial branch explains the law. 立法部門訂立法律。行政部門執行法律 。司法部門解釋法律。
問: Where is the capital of The United States. 美國首都在哪裡?
答: Washington D.C. 華盛頓D.C. 。
問: Name the thirteen original states? 最初13 個州是哪些?
CT →Connecticut 康乃狄克州
PA →Pennsylvania 賓西法尼亞州
GA →Georgia 喬治亞州
NH →New Hampshire 新漢普什州
DE →Delaware 德拉華州
RI →Rhode Island 羅德島州
NY →New York 紐約州
VA →Virginia 維吉尼亞州
MD →Maryland 馬里蘭州
NJ →New Jersey 新澤西州
NC →North Carolina 北卡洛來納州
MA →Massachusetts 麻塞諸塞州
SC →South Carolina 南卡洛來納州
問: What is the Legislative branch of the government called? 美國立法部門名稱是什麼?
答: Congress. 國會。
問: Who makes the laws in the United States? 誰制定美國的法律?
答: Congress. 國會。
問: What are the duties of Congress? 國會的職責是什麼?
答: To make laws.制定法律。
問: Who elects Congress? 誰選舉國會?
答: The citizen of the United States. 美國公民。
問: What makes up congress? 國會由什麼組成?
答: The Senate and The House of Representatives. 參議院和眾議院。
問: Where does Congress meet? 國會在哪裡開會?
答: In the U.S. Capitol building. 在國會大廈。
問: How many senators are there in the Senate? 參議院共有多少參議員?
答: One hundred. Two from each state. 一百位,每州有兩位。
問: Who is the chairman of Senate? 誰是參議院主持人?
答: The Vice President. 美國副總統。
問: How long is a term for a Senator? 參議員的每一任期是多久?
答: Six years. 六年。
問: How many times may a Senator be re-elected? 參議員可以再選多少次?
答: There is no limit. 沒有次數限制。
問: Who are the Senators from California? 誰是加州的參議員?
答: Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein. 芭芭拉‧包克色和戴安‧范士丹
問: How many representatives are there in Congress? 眾議院有多少眾議員?
答: Four hundred thirty-five representatives. 435 位眾議員。
問: For how long do we elect each member of the House of Representatives? 我們多久選舉一次眾議員?
答: Two years. 2 年
問: How many times may a congressman be re- elected? 眾議員可以再選多少次?
答: There is no limit. 沒有次數限制。
問: Do all states have the same number of representatives? 每一州是否都有相同數目的眾議員?
答: No, the more people who live in a state, the more representatives the state has. 不。州居民人數越多,眾議員人數越多。
問: How many representatives does California have? 加州有多少眾議員?
答: Fifty-Three representatives. 53 位。
問: What is the Executive Branch of our govern- ment? 政府的行政部門是什麼?
答: The President, Cabinet and departments under the Cabinet members. 總統、內閣及內閣閣員以下的各部門。
問: Who is the head of Executive branch of the United States? 誰是美國行政部門最高官員?
答: The President. 美國總統。
問: How many cabinet members does the President have? 總統有多少內閣閣員?
答: Thirteen. 13 位。
問: Can the President make laws? 總統能否制定法律?
答: No, Congress makes the law. 不能,國會訂立法律。
問: What are some of the powers of the President? 總統具有什麼權利?
(1) He enforces the law. (1) 他執行法律。
(2) He signs or vetoes all laws passed by Congress. (2) 他批准或否決國會所通過的法律。
(3) He appoints United States Judges. (3) 他任命美國法官。
(4) He appoints his Cabinet. (4) 他任命內閣閣員。
問: What kind of work does the Vice President perform? 副總統職務是甚麼?
答: He is Chairman of the Senate.他是參議院院長。
問: Who can be the President? 誰能成為美國總統?
答: They must be native-born citizens of the United States and be at least thirty five years old, have lived in the US for at least 14 years. 他們必須是美國出生的公民,且必須至 少卅五歲,至少在美國居住十四年。
問: Who elects the President of the United States? 美國總統是由誰選舉的?
答: The Electoral college. 選舉團。
問: In what month do we vote for the President? 在哪一個月我們選總統?
答: November. 11 月。
問: For how long do we elect the President? 相隔多長時間選舉一次總統?
答: Four years. 4 年
問: How long can a person be President? 總統最長的任期是多久?
答: Two terms (eight years). 兩屆( 八年) 。
問: Where does the President live? 美國總統住在哪裡?
答: In the White House. 白宮。
問: Where is the White House located? 白宮在哪裡?
答: Washington D. C. 華盛頓D. C. 。
問: What special group advices the President? 哪些人可以對總統提供意見?
答: The Cabinet. 內閣。
問: Who becomes President of the United States, if the President should die? 如現任的美國總統死亡,誰將成為總統?
答: Vice-President. 副總統。
問: Who will be President after Vice President? 在副總統之後,誰可接任總統?
答: The Speaker of the House. 眾議院長。
問: Who was the first President? 誰是美國第一任總統?
答: George Washington. 喬治‧華盛頓。
問: Who was the President during the Civil War? 誰是南北戰爭時期總統?
答: Abraham Lincoln. 阿伯拉罕‧林肯。
問: What did Lincoln do? 林肯完成了什麼偉業?
答: Lincoln freed the slaves. 林肯解放了黑奴。
問: Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? 誰是馬丁路德‧金。
答: A civil rights leader. 民權領袖。
問: Who was President during the World War II? 誰是第二次世界大戰時期的總統?
答: Franklin D. Roosevelt. 福蘭克林‧羅斯福。
問: Which countries were our enemies during World War II? 第二次大戰期間哪些國家是我們的敵人?
答: Germany, Italy and Japan. 德國、義大利和日本。
問: Who is the President now? 誰是現任總統?
答: George W. Bush 喬治‧W ‧布希
問: Who is Vice President now? 誰是現任副總統?
答: Richard ( Dick ) Cheney 理察(狄克)‧錢尼。
問: Who is the current govenor of California?誰是現任加州州長?
答: Arnold Schwarzenegger. 阿諾‧史瓦辛格。
問: What is the highest United States court? 美國最高法庭的名稱是甚麼?
答: The United States Supreme Court. 最高法院
問: What does the Supreme Court do? 最高法院的任務是什麼?
答: It explains the law. 解釋法律。
問: How many judges are there in the Supreme Court? 最高法院有幾位法官?
答: Nine judges. 9 位。
問: Who nominates judges for the Supreme Court? 誰任命最高法院大法官?
答: The President. 美國總統
問: Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? 誰是最高法院大法官?
答: John Roberts Jr. 小約翰‧羅伯玆。
問: How long can a person be a Supreme Court Judge? 每位法官任期多久?
答: For life. 終身。
問: What other United States courts are there? 美國其他的法院名稱是什麼?
答: Courts of Appeals and the District Courts. 上訴法院及地區法院。
問: In what court will you get your citizenship? 在那一法院你可以取得公民籍?
答: The United States District Court. 美國地區法院。