7 Important Questions Every Investor Needs to Ask

來源:Gorden Kao 時間:05/15/2012 瀏覽: 2676

Real Estate Investors continue to look for ways to manage their investment portfolio and to create the most of its potential.

Here are 7 essential questions to consider:

1- How do I maximize the equity which has grown in recent years and leverage it into a better real estate portfolio, with greater cash flow?
2- How hard is my rental property working, and is there a way to measure its cash producing performance?

3- Am I utilizing all the Depreciation tax breaks I can?

4- How can I reduce the stress and time spent managing my properties without sacrificing income or growth potential?

5- Can I reduce my risk factors including market adjustments by diversifying my portfolio?

6- Am I holding Title to my properties in a way to protect my estate?

7- How can I minimize or defer the tax burden for myself and my heirs, and still grow my asset base? 

In most situations, investment property amounts to our most important and lucrative investments.  Doesn’t it make sense to maximize their growth and potential?

If you’re not sure of the answers, please feel free to call 1-888-991-2247.  As real estate professionals, we are here to provide you with direction in these areas. 





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