Creditor is required to prove by a preponderance of evidence that his claim against debtor is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Documentary evidence has much weight and normally allows creditor to satisfy his burden of proof. 債權人必須有充足舉證證明,對申請破產的債務人的索賠債務不應該予免除。債權人如果能夠提供檔記錄片證據就會更有把握來防止債務人因破產而消除其債務。
In Re Miga 案例,第7章債務人擁有和經營的二手車。2008年7月24日,原告給債務人丈夫本票為 25000美元。
債務人將支票存入到商業帳戶。除了這張支票的副本,有沒有其他檔,以記錄雙方的協議,關於 2008年7月的交易。當事人雙方在法庭上說不同的故事關於為什麼原告會給債務人 2.5萬美元。原告說,他給了債務人的錢為他在拍賣會上買兩輛車。而拍賣後,債務人對他說,拍賣會上沒有原告想要車輛的類型。 原告起訴債務人和他的生意,因為債務人不還他錢。原告還聲稱,債務人從事了一系列的交易,減少他們有能力償還債權人。債務人反駁說,這筆錢是貸款,而且他們所做的交易是努力挽救企業。無論是原告或債務人都無法提出任何書面證據可以支持他們個自說的話。法院認為,原告未能提供有力證據,證明債務人獲得的支票憑藉一個虛擬的誤會。當事人的故事也同樣可靠,完全不可調和。因此,原告敗訴的原因是因為他有責任證明該項索賠不應予以免除 ,根據第523(a)(2)和(a)(6)。
The court found that the plaintiff failed to demonstrate by a preponderance of the evidence that the debtor obtained the check by virtue of a misrepresentation. "Given that the parties' presented markedly different scenarios of what transpired on the date of the transaction, and neither party has documentary evidence related to the transaction itself so as to substantiate their version of events, the court's determination rests solely on credibility." the court said. The parties' stories were equally credible, and wholly irreconcilable. Therefore, the plaintiff lost because he had the burden of proving that his claim was non-dischargeable under Section 523(a)(2) and (a)(6) . 523 (a)(2) provides that a claim is not discharged if money is obtained by false pretenses, a false presentation or actual fraud, other than a statement respecting the debtor's or an insider's financial condition. 523 (a)(6) provides that a claim is not discharged if debtor had willfully and maliciously caused injury to creditor.
楊清泉律師畢業於喬治城大學法學碩士,並已經開業三十年以上。他專精破產法,商業和民事的訴訟,在加州已成功的處理了超過六千破產案件。律師通英語,國語及福建話,並期待著與您討論您的個人情況。請致電安吉Angie,芭芭拉或Jess,預約電話(626)284-1142 ,地址1000 S Fremont Ave Bldg A-1 Suite 1125 Unit 58 Alhambra, CA 91803.