來源:楊清泉律師 時間:07/30/2013 瀏覽: 2322

Last week, we talked about the destruction of the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah by burning sulfur that rained from the heavens. If you go to Israel today, it is said that these two cities were located at the south western tip of the Dead Sea which is now a limestone and salt hill because of what happened.

God, my God, the God of Moses and Israel, who sent His only Son, Jesus Christ who became incarnate through the Blessed Virgin Mary, and who willingly died on the cross to atone for our sins because He loved us so much, so that we can have eternal life with Them in heaven, told Abraham, his hand-picked founder of his chosen nation, Israel that He was going to destroy Sodom & Gomorrah because their inhabitants were depraved and wicked. Abraham asked the Lord if he would spare the cities if there were even ten good people who lived there and the Lord agreed before He departed.

Lot was Abraham’s nephew who lived in Sodom. Two angels visited Lot and led Lot and his wife and two daughters out of Sodom warning them that they should not look back. Lot’s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. Lot and his daughters fled to a tiny village called Zoar where they lived in a cave. This was probably a two-donkey village with a dozen people where people lived in caves, like the Flintstones.

There were no eligible bachelors in Zoar. Fearing that they would no longer have men in the family because Lot was getting old, the older daughter of Lot told the younger daughter that she would get her father drunk at night and lay with him so that she could get pregnant. The next day, the older daughter told the younger daughter that it was her turn to get their father drunk. The same thing happened. By this method, both daughters got pregnant. Whatever their justification, perhaps even survival of their family, I wish to say that, what Lot’s daughters did was morally and terribly wrong. Incest cannot be justified under any circumstance. But since Lot and his daughters had lived in Sodom for some time, perversion and depravity had infected them. If you recall, Lot even offered his two virgin daughters to the village people who demanded that Lot release the two angels who had assumed the form of men to them so that they may have sex with them.

The Bible says that Lot was so drunk that he did not know what he did. This is akin to the plea of insanity when one is charged with murder. Lot is acquitted of being guilty of incest with his two daughters because he was so drunk that he had no consciousness whatsoever of what he was doing. But what strikes me as unusual is that both of his sons with his daughters, who are also his grandsons, turned out to be normal, not retarded. The older daughter gave birth to a son whom she called Moab who became the progenitor of the Moabites. And the younger daughter gave birth to a son whom she called Ben Ammi who became the progenitor of the Ammonites. The descendants of the Moabites and Ammonites still live today in central Jordan.

Despite the fact that two angels had to drag Lot and his two daughters out of Sodom, meaning they did not really want to leave because they had become perverted themselves having immersed themselves in the wicked activities of sin city, the Moabites and the Ammonites worshipped the false god Chemosh, a detestable concoction with the head of a bull the body of a man with outstretched arms. Outstretched arms to receive the children who are offered as a living sacrifice to him!

Be thankful that you are not Lot or his daughters and that you only have debt problems that can be solved by Chapter 7 or 13.


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