來源:楊清泉律師 時間:11/25/2014 瀏覽: 2418

Last week, President Obama finally fulfilled his promise to provide executive amnesty to those who do not have legal status. The President did not call it amnesty, but in fact it is amnesty because his program gives legal status for a period of three years and gives eligible candidates a work permit to work legally in America while we wait for Congress to pass a bill next year that will flesh out the terms and conditions for a path to permanent residency and American citizenship. Although the Hispanic lobby claims that the Obama amnesty does not go far enough, they are definitely thankful to the President for his initial first and important step towards the legalization of 11 million people who are now out of status. No question about it, even though the President most certainly acted out of political objectives to cater to the Latino votes for Democrats, the Obama immigration amnesty order is a Godsend, a blessing for millions of people who can now take advantage of the law to take their first step towards legalization of their immigration status which has been left in limbo for decades. What the executive order has created is a springboard of realistic hope for permanent legal residency in the United States, and thereafter becoming American citizens. Prior to this Presidential order, which, although some may not like it, is the law of the land, millions of illegal immigrants had no door to open to legalizing their status. As of last week, this door has opened. At this time, however, only an estimated 5 million illegal immigrants can take advantage of it. 

If you are one of those 5 million illegal immigrants who can qualify, I strongly suggest you apply now to take the first and important step to legalize your status here in America. There are two large classes of immigrants who qualify under the Obama program:

1.Parents of children who are American citizens or permanent residents. To qualify in this class you must have the following attributes:
a.You have lived in America for more than five (5) years;
b.You have a child who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident;
c.You have no criminal record;
d.You will file tax returns and pay income tax after you start working legally with the work permit obtained under this program.

For example: You and your wife came here with a tourist visa 8 years ago to spend your honeymoon here. After your honeymoon and seeing how beautiful America is and how friendly the people are, you and your wife decide to stay here for good. The two of you have a son born in Los Angeles who is now 3 years old, and a daughter who is now 2 years old who is also born here. Your I-94 expired 8 years ago. Although you are a mechanical engineer abroad, you work here as a caregiver because you have no work permit. Your wife works part time jobs because she cannot get a full time job without a work permit. 

Another example: You came to study here with an F1 visa. You finished your degree 7 years ago. You decided to stay here without status working low paying jobs because you have no work permit. Three years ago you married a woman who also did not have any legal status here. Two years ago, your wife gives birth here to your son who is now 2 years old. Both you and your wife can apply under the Obama amnesty to get your work permits now. You will not be deported, if you are in deportation, we can stop your deportation proceedings.

2.You were brought to America as a child no matter how old you are now. To qualify in this class you must have the following attributes:
a.You have lived in America for more than five (5) years;
b.You were brought to America as a child by your parents, no matter how old you are now;
c.You have no criminal record;
d.You will file tax returns and pay income tax after you start working legally with the work permit obtained under this program.

For example: You parents brought your whole family here for a vacation to see Disneyland 10 years ago. At that time, you were 18 years old, and your sister was 14 years old. Your parents decided that your whole family should just stay here for good after your vacation. Your parents started working under the table, getting paid below what they should be paid because they had no work permits.

You started working also odd jobs. You used your credit cards to get a license as an X ray technician. You have been working in a hospital as an X ray technician with a fake social security card for the last 5 years. Your sister finished high school in the local high school, then works as a licensed vocation nurse in a facility for the last 2 years. Both you and your sister can apply under the Obama amnesty to get your work permits now. If you are in deportation, we can stop your deportation proceedings. It does not matter that you are 28 years old now and your sister is 24 years old now.
I strongly urge you to apply now to legalize your status and get your work permits. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Call me for free consultation. In the meantime, prepare your evidence to prove the attributes required to qualify and show me your evidence at consultation time.

“Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding,” Proverbs 3:5.

Lawrence Bautista Yang is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and has been in law practice for thirty years.  He specializes in bankruptcy, business and civil litigation and has handled more than five thousand successful bankruptcy cases in California.  He speaks Mandarin and Fujien and looks forward to discussing your case with you personally.  Please call (626) 284-1142 for an appointment at 1000 S Fremont Ave, Mailstop 58, Bldg. A-1 Suite 1125, Alhambra, CA 91803.



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