美西銀行獲得J.D. Power and Associates最高客戶滿意度

理財 時間:06/21/2010 瀏覽: 1858
美西銀行獲得J.D. Power and Associates最高客戶滿意度782分,連續三年被J.D. Power評為加州零售銀行業最高顧客滿意獎,成績高出加州企業平均739分的指標43分。

美西銀行總裁兼首席執行長Michael Shepherd表示,這是連續第三年榮獲權威的J.D. Power最高顧客滿意獎。美西銀行為加州州民服務超過135年,此次調查中客戶針對銀行的帳戶業務、帳戶資訊、設備、費用、問題解決和產品提供等6個項 目作出評比。


美西銀行高級行政副 總裁Andy Harmening表示,該行員工,無論分行或後勤部門,每天都為客戶服務而努力。反應在該行明顯成長的家庭與核心存款。

此 外,對於傑出客戶服務的貢獻並沒有隨著經濟循環而流逝。連續三年獲獎代表著該行對客戶服務的承諾。

J.D. Power發表的排名,反映一個由超過4萬7673全國性銀行客戶調查結果。研究發現在總分1000分的調查中,零售銀行在2009與2010客戶滿意度 已從平均749些微下降至748。研究詳情可到http://businesscenter.jdpower.com/news /pressrelease.aspx?ID=2010068查詢。

美西銀行總部位於舊金山,總資產600億,提供各種商 業、公司、個人、信託與國際銀行服務。在中西部19個州共有超過700間分行及商業分部。

在2008和2009年時,美西銀 行亦曾獲J.D. Power西區金融業界最高顧客滿意獎。

美西銀行之股東公司Banc West Corporation由BNP Paribas全權擁有。

資料來源: worldjournal

Bank of the West received the highest Customer Satisfaction Award

Bank of the West received 782 points and has been awarded as Power Customer Satisfaction Award for three consecutive years by California JD Power in reorganization of the highest retail bank. The score has been 43 points higher than the average score 739 points.

The President and CEO, Michael Shepherd of the Bank of the West said it was the third consecutive year of winning the highest authority of Customer Satisfaction Award by JD Power. Bank of the West has been providing the professional services to California over 135 years. The survey gives rating to the following 6 aspects: customer account service, account information, equipment, cost, problem solving abilities and products introduce.

In particular, Bank of the West was given the highest rating on customer account services, account information and the cost.

Senior Executive and Vice President of Bank of the West, Andy Harmening said all of the bank employees are trying to giving the best professional customer service every day, regardless of branch or back office. You can see from the significant growth in the product line of the family and core deposits.

In addition, our outstanding customer service will continue as time goes by. Awards granted in the past three consecutive years represented the bank's commitment to customer service.

The ranking of the survey published by JD Power reflected a more than 47,673 national survey results of bank customers. Study found that among total score 1000 points in the survey, retail banks in 2009 and 2010, customer satisfaction scores declined slightly from an average of 749 to 748. Details of the study can be found through the following link: http://businesscenter.jdpower.com/news / pressrelease.aspx? ID = 2010068 query.

The headquarter of Bank of the West located in San Francisco with the total assets of 60 billion, providing a variety of services in commercial, corporate, personal, and international banking areas. Bank of the West covers 19 states in the Midwest, more than 700 branches and business divisions.

Bank of the West Shareholder Banc West Corporation is wholly owned by the BNP Paribas.

Source: worldjournal


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