方孝偉律師 提供「免費一對一面談」移民服務

法律 時間:07/15/2010 瀏覽: 2135


方律師表示,現在投資移民市場有些說法似乎有誤導趨勢,例如「投資方案,政府擔保」、「政府擔保,固定利率」、「移民局已核准此投資案,不需要聘請員工」、「拿到臨時綠卡後,正式綠卡自然就拿到」、「因為美國不景氣所以近日特別成立地區中心(Regional Center)」、「保險公司擔保此投資案」,讓人極為擔心。他說,錯誤的選擇可能造成全家移民計畫進退兩難,或艱難面對申辦過程被拒絕。

方孝偉律師提供免費一對一面談,每天限三位客戶,可先電626-854-5787預約。方孝偉律師事務所地址:17800 Castleton St. #168 (Puente Hills Mall旁),City of Industry。

Law Offices of David S.W. Fang provides Immigration Services

With 20 years of rich experience in handling immigration cases, David S.W. Fang provides free face-to-face interview regarding "how to successfully apply for investment immigration". We welcome you to call for appointment.

David S.W. Fang has successfully handled nearly 300 cases of investment immigration. He is the one who handled first successful Chinese investment immigration case cases in the industry. Regarding his first successful immigration case, the temporary green card was obtained in September 1992 and the official green card was obtained in December 1994. You can check a letter of approval by the Department of Immigration for verification.

David S.W. Fang indicates there are many misleading trends in the immigration market, such as "government guarantees," "fixed interest rate", "With immigration government’s approval, no need to hire staff," and even "You can get the official green card for sure if being approved the temporary green card." He said that the wrong choice may cause a denial of the whole family immigration program.

David S.W. Fang provide free interviews with the limit of 3 customers daily. For appointment, please call 626-854-5787. Address: 17800 Castleton St. # 168 (Puente Hills Mall side), City of Industry.


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